< Other Work by Harper Lee >

Harper Lee has so far published one novel, To Kill a Mockingbird. It's unfair to say she has never written another book; we don't know what may be in the bottom drawer of her desk.

While at the University of Alabama, Lee wrote for several student publications and for one year was editor of the Rammer-Jammer.

In the 1960s at least three essays by Lee were published in American magazines, and a fourth essay was published in the 1980s.

Two of the essays are included in several bibliographies, including Claudia Durst Johnson's TKM Threatening Boundaries: "Love - In Other Words", published in Vogue, April 15, 1961, furthers Lee's discussions of non-romantic love. "Christmas To Me" was published in McCalls in the December 1961 issue. It relates a story referred to in several sources - that of Lee receiving the gift of a year to write.

The third essay I have not seen included in any other bibliography. An unclear photocopy of a part of an article, "When Children Discover America", marked as being published in 1964 but apparently published in McCalls in August 1965, was found in the Harper Lee vertical file at the Monroeville Library in Monroeville, Alabama.

In 1983 Harper Lee took part in the Alabama History and Heritage Festival. "High Romance and Adventure" was later printed in an anthology of the festival papers.

Lippincott, the original publisher of Mockingbird, was bought by HarperCollins in 1978; in September 1995, HarperCollins published a "handsome thirty-fifth anniversary cloth-bound edition of Mockingbird" and promotional materials trumpeted that it included a new forward by Miss Lee, an "all-too-brief introduction to the recent British edition". The 'new forward' is there, but Mary B.W. Tabor reported in the New York Times on August 23 1995 that the new foreward was actually an excerpt of a letter Miss Lee had written to her agent, June Fallowfield, in 1993, saying that she would NOT write a new introduction.

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I am always interested in reading and writing about To Kill a Mockingbird. mockingbird@chebucto.ns.ca Last revised 25 May 2000.