< Mockingbird FAQ >

Is Harper Lee alive?
Yes. Nelle Harper Lee was born April 28 1926 in Monroeville Alabama.

Are you Harper Lee?
No. More information about how this site came about is at Why the Site?

Where can I get a map of Maycomb?
Maycomb is a fictional representation of Monroeville, Alabama. On the internet, Mapquest will generate a map of Monroeville. As will a number of other sites. Or you can write to the

Monroeville Area Chamber of Commerce
P.O. Box 214
Monroeville Alabama 36461

and ask for a map of the city of Monroeville. A careful reading of the novel (while making notes along the way) will allow you to make a map of Maycomb. I have recently been getting mail from several people trying to make maps for school assignments. They are having trouble. It takes detective work to make a map. It takes reading the novel. Although it might seem like an easy assignment: no paragraphs, not much writing, it can be difficult. However, if you like maps, and like hunting for clues, it's great fun.

Where can I get a copy of the play?
To Kill a Mockingbird was adapted for the stage by Christopher Sergel. It is available from

Dramatic Publishing
331 Washington Street
Woodstock, Illinois, 60098
800-448-7469 and 815-338-7170


The stage adaptation is listed as being for 11 men and 6 women and extras. A sound effects tape is available and the playbook costs $5.95.

Sergel has adapted many works for the stage, including The Mouse That Roared, Up the Down Staircase, The Outsiders and Pillow Talk. He and other Sergels run Dramatic Publishing.

There is a story that in 1970 efforts were made to adapt To Kill a Mockingbird as a musical, starring Don Murray, but the rights could not be obtained and the project was abandoned. (Whew!)

In Chapter 24, at the Missionary Circle tea, what does Miss Maudie mean when she says, "His food doesn't stick going down, does it?"
There are at least two lines of thought. I have been thinking one thing, but in August 2001 received mail from two people, both with another explanation.

At the tea, Mrs. Grace Merriweather has been saying that "some people" in Maycomb have been misguided in thinking they have been doing right, but all they have done is stir things up. She is refering to Atticus without naming him. Then Mrs. Merriweather complains her cook, Sophy, is 'sulky' after the news of Tom Robinson's conviction for raping Mayella Ewell. Mrs. Merriweather says she is keeping Sophy on, out of the goodness of her own heart. Maudie says, "His food doesn't stick going down, does it?"

I think Maudie is referring to Mr. Merriweather, suggesting that since his food is apparently still consumed with gusto, it must be good, and Sophy is still doing her job, and doing it well and Mrs. Merriweather should, to use more modern phrasing, get a life.

But K in Colorado says "Miss Maudie asks if his (Atticus's) food sticks referring to the fact that Mrs. Merriweather just severely insulted Atticus, in his own house, in front of his sister and daughter, while eating his refreshments (food paid for by Atticus, prepared in his kitchen by his sister and housekeeper.)"

Where can I find chapter summaries on the internet?
Try Sparknotes.com.

Why don't you include chapter summaries on this site?
Chapter summaries are a very poor substitute for reading the novel.

Do you answer homework questions?
Less and less often. Rude abrupt requests with no salutations, and poor spelling, don't inspire charity. However, students with thinking of their own to share, who can avoid sounding as if they are ordering burgers at a drive-through window might have a chance. Most need only read the pages or chapters in question and think about them for five minutes. Information is not knowledge and getting information is not thinking. More often it's just an easy way through an assignment.

Why don't you have the whole novel posted?
Just lazy, I guess, or worried about copyright infringement. The folks at 4literature.net have Mockingbird as an e-text.

How do I contact Miss Lee?
I advise people to write care of her agents:

McIntosh & Otis
353 Lexington Avenue
15th floor
New York City
NY 10016

(212) 687-7400

Did Harper Lee write anything else?
Yes. Miss Lee published at least three essays in the 1960s, and one in the 1980s. You can read them through the Other Works link on this site. She may have written many other things, and not published them, or published them under another name, or...

Where can I buy a signed first edition of Mockingbird?
First, speak with your bank manager about a hefty loan. Then monitor the goings on at ebay and Bibliofind. The on-line sites have the advantage of bringing together many people who are selling many things, but some of the items are over-priced.

The 1995 edition of Book Collecting showed a first edition To Kill a Mockingbird in a "very good" condition listed in 1996 at $2,500. Prices now range to $5,000. A presentation copy was bought at auction for $12,650.

Is $150 a fair price for a signed 35th or 40th edition?
I don't think so, but I haven't yet recovered from my anger at those who bought signed books from shops in Monroeville and now take advantage of Mockingbird lovers by re-selling them for large profit. Two shops in Monroeville Alabama sold inscribed 35th and 40th edition Mockingbirds at cost. They were:

Nan Stallworth
Beeland's Flowers
212 Pineville Road
Monroeville, Alabama

(334)743-4808 Fax: 743-4809


John and Lou Cummins
Magnolia Cottage
623 South Alabama Avenue
Monroeville, Alabama

Phone and Fax: (334)743-4143

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I am always interested in reading and writing about To Kill a Mockingbird.
Jane Kansas + kansas@chebucto.ca + Last revised 4 November 2001.