< Mockingbird On the Web >

Any search engine will point you to Mockingbird resources on the internet. Here are a few. Some contain discussion boards or chat rooms, and there is one mailing list. Below that are links to sites with information on three topics related to Mockingbird: Truman Capote, The Scottsboro Boys and Emmett Till.

The TKM Student Survival Guide
A teacher in Los Angeles has done wonderful work—hundreds of definitions plus chapter synopses, with pictures and web links.

EducETH Lee, Harper: *1926
A good site with chapter synopses, a place to post comments and questions about the book, a chat room open on Mondays,and other resources.

To Kill a Mockingbird—Then & Now
Many resources including a discussion board where you can post remarks and questions and receive answers. The site springs from a conference held in 1997.

To Kill a Mockingbird—Teachers Guide
Includes good information about writing essays.

An onlline text of To Kill a Mockingbird.

Mailing List
Harper Lee mailing list. Begun in Spring of 1999. Primarily for teachers, scholars and serious fans. Homework requests not welcome. In August 2001 it had 116 members.

Not only a message board here, but chat room, study questions and the grail: chapter summaries. Written by a Harvard grad, doncha know.

Truman Capote
EducEth Capote, Truman
Truman Capote bio

Scottsboro Trials
"The Scottsboro Boys" Trial
Scottsboro Boys
Mockingbird—Then & Now

Emmett Till
The Murder of Emmett Till
The Death of Emmett Till

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Main Page + FAQ + Events + Novel + Film + Interviews
Other Works + Readings + Biography + Monroeville
References + Why + Outside Links + Discussions

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I am always interested in reading and writing about To Kill a Mockingbird.
Jane Kansas + kansas@chebucto.ca
Last revised 13 August 2001.