< Mockingbird: Further Reading >

I have had no private sources of information
in composing the present work.
—Robert Southey in the Preface to The Life of Wesley

The list of works consulted for this site are arranged alphabetically by author, in six sections. Some works are easily accessible through book stores or public libraries; older articles can often be ordered, in photocopied form, through a public or university library. A few are posted within this site. The websites, of course, are on the internet.
Please send notice of other articles and comments to kansas@chebucto.ca

Books & Dissertations
Articles in Books
Articles in Journals
Articles in Newspapers
Reviews of Mockingbird

Books & Dissertations

Baines, Lawrence Arthur
Aspects of Language in Literature & Film
U of Texas, Austin 1993
DAI No.: DA9323324
Chapman, Jane
Readers' Voices: Understanding a High School Literary Experience
U of Nevada, Reno 1996
DAI No.: DA9631384
Clarke, Gerald
New York: Simon & Schuster, 1988. 632pp.
ISBN 0-671-22811-0
Johnson, Claudia Durst
TKM: Threatening Boundaries
New York: Twain, 1994. xiv, 125pp.
Johnson, Claudia Durst
Understanding TKM: A Student Casebook to Issues, Sources and Historical Documents
Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1994. xvi, 225pp.
Moates, Marianne M.
A Bridge of Childhood: Truman Capote's Southern Years
New York: H.Holt, 1989. 240pp ISBN 0-8173-0815-6
Power, Cathy Kelly
Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Mockingbird: A Collection of Critical Essays
Georgia State U October 1996
DAI No.: DA9628838
Rudisill, Marie
Truman Capote
New York: Morrow, 1983 ISBN 0-688-01590-5


Articles in Books

Dave, R. A.
"TKM : Harper Lee's Tragic Vision"
Indian Studies in American Fiction (311-23)
Macmillan Co. of India, 1974. 329pp.
Going, William T.
"Store and Mockingbird: Two Pulitzer Novels about Alabama" Essays on Alabama Literature
U of Al Press (1975): 9-31
Lee, Harper
A Literary Christmas
Atlantic Monthly Press (1992): 152-167
[Chapter 9 of Mockingbird in anthology.]
Lee, Harper
"Romance and High Adventure"
Clearings in the Thicket
Mercer University Press (1985): 13-20
[Essay from 1983 Alabama History and Heritage Festival promotes work of Albert James Pickett on Creek Indians.]
May, Jill P.
"Censors as Critics: TKM as a Case Study"
Cross-Culturalism in Children's Literature: Selected papers from the CLA
Pace U, 1988. i, 116pp
Nicholson, Colin
"Hollywood and Race: TKM"
Cinema and Fiction: New Modes of Adapting (151-159)
Edinburgh UP, 1992. viii, 183pp.
Room, Adrian
Tuttle Dictionary of Dedications
Tuttle, Rutland, VT, 1992. xiv, 354
[Absurd misprint and inane explanation of dedication of Mockingbird.]

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Articles in Journals

Asher, Jerry
"Behind the scenes with To Kill a Mockingbird"
Screen Stories (April 1963) 62:4 42
Asimov, Michael
"When Lawyers Were Heroes"
U of San Francisco Law Review (1996 Summer) 30 1131-1138
Bruell, Edwin
"Keen Scapel on Racial Ills"
English Journal (December 1964): 658
Cauthen, Cramer R. & Alpin, Donald G
"The Gift Refused: The Southern Lawyer in TKM, The Client and Cape Fear"
Studies in Popular Culture Murfreesboro, TN (Oct. 1996): 19:2 257-75
Childress, Mark
"Looking for Harper Lee"
Southern Living (May 1997) 148-150
[Monroeville native recalls first reading of Mockingbird & efforts to meet Miss Lee. Photos of Lee & Peck, Lee at movie premiere.]
Chura, Patrick
"Prolepsis and Anachronism: Emmett Till and the Historicity of To Kill a Mockingbird"
Southern Literary Journal Chapel Hill (Spring 2000)
[Comparisons between the trial of Tom Robinson and the 1955 trial of Emmett Till.]
D'Alemberte, Talbot
"Atticus Finch and the Movement to Provide Legal Services to the Poor"
U of Florida Journal of Law and Public Policy (1990) 3 19-27
Downey, Maureen & Harrison, Bette
"Harper Lee wins fans in Alpharetta"
Erisman, Fred
"Literature and Place: Varieties of Regional Experience"
Journal of Regional Cultures Bowling Green, OH (1981 Fall-Winter) 1:2 144-153
"Erisman, Fred
The Romantic Regionalism of Harper Lee"
Alabama Review (1973) 26:2 126-136
Fair, Bryan K
"Using Parrots to Kill Mockingbirds: Yet Another Racial Prosecution and Wrongful Conviction in Maycomb"
Alabama Law Review (Winter 1994) 45:2 403-472
Freedman, Monroe H.
"Atticus Finch, Esq., R.I.P."
Legal Times (February 24 1992)
Freedman, Monroe H.
"Atticus Finch - Right and Wrong"
Alabama Law Review (Winter 1994) 45:2 473-482
Frisbee, Laurette
"Miss Alice' Remembers Mr. Tom"
Powergrams (July 1993): 2-3
[Miss Alice Lee recalls her early law career and Alabama Power founder Thomas Martin. Color photo of Miss Alice Lee.]
Gates, Darryl
"Saving a Courthouse"
Area Magazine (March 1988) 12-14, 29
[MonroeCounty Courthouse to be renovated at cost of $1.5 million.]
Going, William T.
"Truman Capote: Harper Lee's Fictional Portrait of the Artist as an Alabama Child"
Alabama Review (1989) 42(2): 136-149
Hoff, Timothy
"Influences on Harper Lee: An Introduction to the Symposium"
Alabama Law Review (Winter 1994) 45:2 389-401
Hohoff, Tay
"We Get a New Author"
Literary Guild Book Club Magazine (August 1960): 3-4
Johnson, Claudia
"The Secret Courts of Men's Hearts: Code and Law in Harper Lee's TKM"
Studies in American Fiction Boston, MA (Autumn 1991) 19:2, 129-139
Johnson, Claudia
"Without Tradition and Within Reason: Judge Horton and Atticus Finch in Court Alabama"
Law Review (Winter 1994) 45:2 483-510
Johnson, Rheta Grimsley
The legacy of Harper Lee
Jones, Carolyn
"Atticus Finch and the Mad Dog: Harper Lee's TKM"
Southern Quarterly Hattiesburg, MS (Summer 1996) 34:4, 53-63
[Atticus confronts three mad dogs in Mockingbird:Tim Johnson, the Old Sarum crowd at the jail, and the legal system. Contains factual errors.]
Kronke, David
"On Video"
TV Guide (28 Feb 1998) 9
Lee, Harper
"Christmas to Me"
McCalls (December 1961): 63
Lee, Harper
"Love—In Other Words"
Vogue (15 April 1961): 64-65
Lee, Harper
"To Kill a Mockingbird" (Literary Trials excerpt)
Litigation (Winter 1990) 16:2 68-
[Excerpt from Mockingbird of Atticus cross-examining Heck Tate, Bob Ewell, and Mayella Ewell.]
Lee, Harper
"When Children Discover America"
McCalls (August 1965)
Lynn, Allison
People 1995
[John Megna obituary]
McDonald Jr, W. U.
"Harper Lee's College Writings"
American Notes & Queries (May 1968): 131-2
McFadyen, Chris
"Echoes of a Mockingbird"
1) Alabama (January/February 1993) 57:1 22-24, 44-45
2) Mobile Bay Monthly (December 1993): 44-48
[Pilgrimage. McFadyen looks for Maycomb in Monroeville. Small reports on doings of Miss Lee.]
Osborn, Jr., John Jay
"Atticus Finch - The End of Honor: A Discussion of To Kill a Mockingbird"
U of San Francisco Law Review (1996 Summer) 30 1139-1142
[Argues against David Guterson's view that Mockingbird appeals because of readers' desire for characters of strong moral sense. Has factual error.]
Peal, Linda
"Strange Longings in Monroeville"
Oxford American (August/September 1995): 24-27
[Pilgrimage. Peal tours Courthouse & visits with D.P. Club. Anecdotes about Lee & Capote. Photos of Lee & Peck, courthouse, & Dickie Williams.]
Pearlman, Michael
"The Role of Socioeconomic Status in Adolescent Literature"
Adolescence (Spring 1995) 30:117 223-231
Phelps, Teresa Godwin
"The Margins of Maycomb: A Rereading of To Kill a Mockingbird"
Alabama Law Review (Winter 1994) 45:2 511-530
Ringel, Eleanor
"Climbing into a favorite suit"
Y'all.com April 29 1998
Scullen, George
"To Kill a Mockingbird"
Screen Stories (April 1963) 62:4 17pp
Shaffer, Thomas L.
"Growing Up Good in Maycomb"
Alabama Law Review (Winter 1994) 45:2 531-561
Shaffer, Thomas L
"The Moral Theology of Atticus Finch"
University of Pittsburgh Law Review (1981) 42 181-225
Shakelford, Dean
"The Female Voice in To Kill a Mockingbird: Narrative Strategies in Film and Novel"
Mississippi Quarterly MS State (1996-97) 50:1
Skube, Michael
"Searching for Scout"
Y'all.com 29 April 1998
Stachenfield, Avi J. and Nicholson, Christopher M.
"Blurred Boundaries: An Analysis of the Close Relationship Between Popular Culture and the Practice of Law"
U of San Francisco Law Review (1996 Summer) 30 903-
Woodard, Calvin
"Listening to the Mockingbird"
Alabama Law Review (Winter 1994) 45:2 563-584
Zahedi, Firooz
The Reunion
Vanity Fair (April 1996)

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Articles in Newspapers

"LBJ Names Harper Lee To Council"
Montgomery Advertiser (June 28 1966)
"Lee Novel Proposed For National Award"
Monroe Journal (February 23 1961)
"Lee's hometown continues tradition"
Southern Festivals (Feb./March 1999) 3:6 1
[The stage adaptation has been performed in Monroeville since 1991. Attitudes have shifted over the years.]
"Miss Lee Receives Alumni Award"
Monroe Journal (30 May 1963) 1
[Miss Lee first winner of U of Al award.]
"Mockingbird Film Will Open Today At Local Theatre"
Monroe Journal (28 March 1963) 1
[Details of opening.]
"Mockingbird star still Scout at heart"
Mail Star (22 April 1999) B6
[Mary Badham remembers being cast.]
"Mockingbird Wins Many Film Awards"
Monroe Journal (26 September 1963) 5
[Film adaptation has won 32 special citations]
"Monroeville Author's First Book Awarded Coveted Pulitzer Prize"
Monroe Journal (May 4 1961)
[Report of announcement from Columbia University.]
"Movie Courthouse In Mockingbird Described As Tribute To Author"
Monroe Journal (21 March 1963) 4B
[Construction based on photographs and sketches.]
"Nannie Holmes Swanson is Maker Of Exquisite Clothing"
Monroe Journal (Centennial Edition)
"Surprise visitor"
Monroe Journal (May 18 1995)
[Philip Alford attends play in Monroeville. Photo & caption.]
Bendheim, Anne
"Mockingbird cast members to take show to Israel"
Mobile Register (May 12 1996)
[Israeli ministry helps fund trip for cast and crew.]
Bendheim, Anne
"Pick a Peck of Memories"
Mobile Register (March 15 1996) 1-2E
[Interview with Peck. Mention of pocket watch from A.C.Lee.]
Benn, Alvin
"Harper Lee awarded doctorate at UA graduation"
Montgomery Advertiser (1991)
[Miss Lee awarded her third honorary doctorate. Photo of Miss Lee receiving hood.]
Benn, Alvin
"To Kill a Mockingbird hard sellout"
Montgomery Advertiser (May 5 1995)
[Stage adaptation of Mockingbird raises money in Monroeville.]
Coleman, Frances
"Down memory lane to a place that exists only in the mind"
Mobile Register (Feb 23 1997)
Deitch, Joseph
"Harper Lee: Novelist of South"
Christian Science Monitor (September 3 1961): 6
Entrekin, Dee
"Book Collecting: To Kill a Mockingbird"
Harbinger (May 13 1997)
[First edition Mockingbirds expected to increase in value.]
Gillis, Graeme
"Group Wants to Kill a Mockingbird"
North End News Halifax NS (11 Feb. 1994) 6:10
Hendrix, Vernon
"Firm Gives Books To Monroe County"
Montgomery Advertiser (December 23 1962)
[Lippincott honors Amasa Lee]
Hendrix, Vernon
"Monroeville Impresses Visiting Movie Star"
Montgomery Advertiser (January 4 1962): 5A
Johnson, Rheta Grimsley
"A cultural exchange helps North understand South"
Y'all.com, various newspapers 11 July 1993
[Teacher Susan Ross of NY starts exchange with Monroeville students.]
Johnson, Rheta Grimsley
"Small town staging big on inspiration"
Atlanta Journal-Constitution (June 7 1996)
[Johnson recalls working in Monroeville.]
Jones, George Thomas
"She was the Queen of the Tomboys"
Monroe Journal (6 May 1999)
[Jones recalls Miss Lee standing up for herself in the mid 1930s.]
Kansas, Jane
"One book from Lee better than none"
Daily News (April 25 1999) 28
[Three guesses at why Nova Scotia is the one Canadian place mentioned in Mockingbird.]
Kantrow, Buster
"A rare moment for reclusive author at SHC"
Mobile Register (May 12 1997) 1A, 3A
[Miss Lee awarded honorary doctorate by Spring Hill College.Photo of Miss Lee.]
Kemp, Kathy
"Mockingbird won't sing"
News Observer Raleigh NC. 12 Nov 1997
Lawrence, Wes
"Author's Problem: Friends"
Cleveland Plains Dealer (March 17 1964)
Margolick, David
"At the Bar"
New York Times (February 28 1992):
[Report on Morgan Freedman's attack on Atticus. Drawing of Atticus.]
Montgomery, Leigh
"Harper Lee Still Prizes Privacy Over Publicity"
Christian Science Monitor (Sept. 11 1997)
Nettles, Frances Reid
"Monroeville Thrills To News Of Native Daughter's Award"
Monroe Journal (May 4 1961)
Nettles, Frances Reid
"Pulitzer Prize-Winner Harper Lee Entertains Star Gregory Peck Here"
Monroe Journal (18 January 1962)
[Peck does research in Monroeville.]
Nichols, Peter M.
"Time Can't Kill Mockingbird"
NY Times (27 February 1998)
[Report on 35th anniversary re-release of video]
Reed, Jim
"Festival of Mockingbirds"
Southern Festivals/Ala. (April/May 1998) 4
Rousseau, Tara
"Support Worker Agrees Novel Should Go"
North End News Halifax NS
Sandbulte, Jane
"To land a Mockingbird"
Winfield Daily Courier (7 January 1999) 1
[Report on symphony conductor finding Mary Badham and plans for Mockingbird concert]
Sandbulte, Jane
"Audience moved by Mockingbird premiere"
Winfield Daily Courier (26 April 1999) 1
[Report on Mockingbird concert and reading by Mary Badham.]
Schumach, Murray
"Prize for Novel Elates Film Pair"
NY Times May 1961
Schwartz, Maryln
"Author Harper Lee Arrives In Mobile To Accept Award From Library Unit"
Mobile Register (November 7 1961)
[Miss Lee will have no connection with casting or writing movie.]
Sykes, Greg
"Harper Lee: state history suspenseful"
Eufaula Tribune (March 8 1983)
Tabor, Mary B. W.
"Harper Lee's Effort to Kill a Forward"
New York Times (August 23 1995) v144: B1
Thomas, Bob
"Gregory Peck Defends South"
Monroe Journal (19 April 1962)
[Peck sees progress in the South.]
Thomas, Bob
"Harper Lee Returns Visit"
Monroe Journal (February 9 1962)
Werneth, George
"Novel brought fame to author's home"
Mobile Register (June 27 1993)
[Miss Lee known to Mobile author Eugene Walter. Photo of Miss Lee.]

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Reviews of Mockingbird

"About Life and Little Girls"
Time (August 1 1960): 70-71
Adams, Phoebe
"Summer Reading"
Atlantic (August 26 1960): 98-99
Beecroft, John
Literary Guild Book Club Magazine (August 1960): 1-2
Donahue, Deirdre
"Families that listen together can learn together"
USA Today (July 23 1998): 4D
Griffin, Pauline
"Her South is Authentic"
Southern Observer (October 1960): 149
Hicks, Granville
"Three at the OutSet"
Saturday Review (July 23 1960) XLIII(30): 15-16
Le May, Harding
"Children Play; Adults Betray"
NY Herald Tribune Book Review (July 10 1960): 5
Lippincott, Fred
"Mockingbird superior fare for the family"
Montgomery Independent (April 11 1996) 31
[Stage adaptation is relevant, but book is better.]
Luskin, John
Alabama Alumni News (July-August 1960): 8
Lyell, Frank H
"One Taxi Town"
NY Times Book Review (July 10 1960) 5, 18
McMillan, James B
Alabama Review (July 1961) 233
Mitgang, Herbert
N Y Times Book Review (July 13 1960) 33
Nichols, Peter M.
"Time Can't Kill Mockingbird"
NY Times (Feb. 27 1998) E32
Sullivan, Richard
"Engrossing First Novel of Rare Excellence"
Chicago Tribune (July 17 1960) 15
Waller, Ruth
Montgomery Advertiser (July 14 1960)

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Fischer, Hans G.
Harper Lee 1926 -
Kansas, Jane
To Kill a Mockingbird & Harper Lee
Prince William Network
TKM - Then & Now
Rutherford, Nancy Louise
The TKM Student Survival Guide

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I am always interested in reading and writing about To Kill a Mockingbird.
Jane Kansas + kansas@chebucto.ca + Last revised 6 August 2001.