< Monroeville Alabama >

A trip to Monroeville is a wonderful thing for a fan of To Kill a Mockingbird. The links below can aid the most mired of arm-chair pilgrims, but don't put off a trip too long! It is a special experience to walk the soft wooden floors of the Old Courthouse, to sit in the chair at the front and declaim Mayella Ewell's lines, (your recitation will echo Colin Wilcox's performance as Mayella in the film adaptation; that's just fine) and to climb the stairs to the balcony and see for your quiet comforted self the view that Scout and Jem and Dill had of the trial of Tom Robinson.

There is a souvenir shop in the Old Courthouse. Some items are expensive for what they are. Bring a generous wallet if it will be important to you to have a poster for the play, a paper fan, a postcard, or a T-Shirt. The wisest buy is a copy of the Winter 1994 Alabama Law Review; it is sold for $20 and has seven articles on Mockingbird.

It is a queer thing to sit on a picnic table at Mel's Dairy Dream and feel peace and the contentment of a good burger. One expects to feel irrational cold anger or sadness because this was the site of the Lee house, and now it sells food through a window, but the Lee house was gone many many years ago, and not torn down in any fit of civic stupidity. The Faulk property, now a grassy lot, contains clues to the past if you know what to look for, and the burgers at Mel's are good.

Bring sunglasses if you plan to look at the garish murals depicting scenes from Mockingbird.

The Monroeville Area Chamber of Commerce
Site address changes. People there are extremely helpful.

Monroe Journal
The real life Maycomb Tribune. Founded in 1866 and still published.

The Monroe County Heritage Museums
This site mentions Harper Lee and To Kill a Mockingbird. Some graphics. The Monroe County Heritage Museum is housed in the courthouse replicated exactly for the film adaptation.

Monroeville Alabama
Excerpts from Pete Earley's book Circumstantial Evidence describe a Monroeville of the 1980s.

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I am always interested in reading and writing about To Kill a Mockingbird.
Jane Kansas + kansas@chebucto.ca
Last revised 6 November 2001