The number, e.g. (2) indicates number of citations available.
- ebriety (3)
- ebriosity (1)
- eccentric (6)
- eccentricity (3)
- ecentrick (1)
- ecstasy (3)
- ectasie (1)
- ectasy (1)
- educate (3)
- education (3)
- effect (3)
- effeminate (3)
- efficacie (1)
- efficacy (3)
- efficient (3)
- ego (3)
- egotism (3)
- egrimony (3)
- egritude (3)
- egroting (1)
- eidetic (3)
- elate (3)
- elation (3)
- eld (3)
- element (3)
- elementarism (3)
- emotion (3)
- empaire (1)
- empathic (3)
- empathical (1)
- empathy (3)
- empiric (3)
- empirical (3)
- empiricism (3)
- empirick (1)
- empiricke (1)
- emulate (3)
- emulation (3)
- end (3)
- energie (1)
- energy (3)
- enuie (1)
- enuiron (1)
- environ (3)
- environed [past tense] (1)
- environment (3)
- environmentalism (3)
- envy (3)
- epicure (3)
- Epicurean (3)
- Epicureanism (3)
- epicurisme (1)
- epilepsie (1)
- epilepsis (1)
- epilepsy (3)
- epileptic (6)
- epiphenomenalism (3)
- epiphenomenon (3)
- eros (3)
- erratic (3)
- erraticke (1)
- ethicks (1)
- ethics (3)
- etiology (3)
- euent (1)
- euidence (1)
- euident (1)
- euolue (1)
- euolution (1)
- event (3)
- evidence (3)
- evident (3)
- evolution (3)
- evolve (3)
- exacerbate (3)
- exacerbation (3)
- excadency (3)
- excandesceny (1)
- excantesceny (1)
- excite (3)
- excitement (3)
- exhilarate (3)
- exhilaration (3)
- experience (3)
- experiment (5)
- experimental (3)
- explain (3)
- explanation (3)
- explanatory (2)
- explane (1)
- exploration (3)
- exploratory (3)
- explore (3)
- expression (2)
- extacy (1)
- extirpate (3)
- extirpation (3)
- extraversion (3)
- extravert (3)