The number, e.g. (2) indicates number of citations available.
- aberrancy (3)
- aberration (4)
- abilitie (1)
- ability (4)
- ablation (4)
- able (2)
- ablepsie (1)
- ablepsy (4)
- abnormal (4)
- abnormality (4)
- aboulia (1)
- abrormous (1)
- abstracted (2)
- abstraction (4)
- abulia (4)
- accommodation (4)
- acheeue (1)
- achieve (4)
- achromatic (4)
- acquire (4)
- acquired (4)
- act (8)
- action (4)
- actiue (1)
- actiuitie (1)
- active (4)
- activity (4)
- acuity (4)
- acute (4)
- adapt (4)
- adaptation (4)
- addict (8)
- addicted (4)
- addiction (4)
- adjust (4)
- adjustment (4)
- adolescence (4)
- adolescency (4)
- adolescenturate (4)
- adult (2)
- adulthood (4)
- aegrimony (1)
- aegritude (1)
- aegroting (4)
- aetiology (1)
- affect (8)
- affection (4)
- affectionate (4)
- affective (4)
- affectuous (1)
- affectus (4)
- afflicted (4)
- affliction (4)
- after-effect (4)
- agent (4)
- aggrauate (1)
- aggravate (4)
- aggression (4)
- agile (1)
- agilitie (1)
- agility (4)
- agitate (4)
- agitation (4)
- agnition (4)
- agonie (1)
- agony (4)
- aim (4)
- alcohol (4)
- alcoholic (4)
- alcoholism (4)
- allective (4)
- alleviate (4)
- altruism (4)
- ament (4)
- amentia (4)
- amenty (4)
- analisis (1)
- analysis (4)
- analyze (4)
- androgene (1)
- androgynal (4)
- androgyne (4)
- androgynous (4)
- androgynus (1)
- anger (4)
- angor (1)
- anguish (4)
- anile (4)
- anility (4)
- animal (1)
- animal faculty (4)
- animal magnetism (4)
- animal spirits (4)
- animism (4)
- anity (1)
- anopsie (1)
- anopsy (4)
- anorexia (4)
- anorexic (8)
- anorexy (1)
- anthropathy (1)
- anthropomorphism (4)
- anthropopathy (4)
- anthroposophy (4)
- antipathy (4)
- anxiety (4)
- anxious (4)
- anxitie (1)
- apperception (4)
- appetency (4)
- appetite (4)
- apprehend (4)
- apprehension (4)
- apprehensive (4)
- approbation (4)
- apt (4)
- aptitude (4)
- aptness (4)
- aptnesse (1)
- assessment (4)
- assimilate (4)
- assimilation (4)
- assimulate (1)
- associate (4)
- association (4)
- association of ideas (4)
- associationism (4)
- assumption (4)
- asyle (1)
- asylum (4)
- atom (4)
- atome (1)
- atomism (4)
- atomistic (4)
- atomy (1)
- attend(ing) (4)
- attention (4)
- attentiue (1)
- attentive (4)
- attitude (4)
- atypical (4)
- audible (4)
- audition (4)
- auditory (4)
- automatic (4)
- automaton (4)
- autome (1)
- autonomy (4)
- aversion (4)
- aware (4)
- awareness (4)