History of Psychology Words
A lexicon with historical references.
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By Word
a (151 )
b (38 )
c (91 )
d (104 )
e (100 )
f (41 )
g (11 )
h (49 )
i (131 )
j (5 )
k (3 )
l (36 )
m (69 )
n (16 )
o (28 )
p (96 )
q (4 )
r (50 )
s (106 )
t (32 )
u (9 )
v (38 )
w (11 )
By Category
abnormal: emotion (1)
abnormalcy (25)
abnormalcy, development (2)
abnormalcy, memory (7)
abnormalcy, terms for (2)
abnormalcy: intelligence (1)
abnormalcy: behaviour (2)
abnormalcy: cognition (2)
abnormalcy: course of (5)
abnormalcy: degrees of (1)
abnormalcy: emotion (13)
abnormalcy: individual differences (1)
abnormalcy: intelligence (18)
abnormalcy: memory (4)
abnormalcy: miscellaneous (6)
abnormalcy: motivation (2)
abnormalcy: motivation; symptomatology (1)
abnormalcy: perception (5)
abnormalcy: personality (1)
abnormalcy: sensation (5)
abnormalcy: sexuality (3)
abnormalcy: sleep (2)
abnormalcy: social processes (1)
abnormalcy: speech (1)
abnormalcy: speech and communication (2)
abnormalcy: speech, language, and communication (8)
abnormalcy: stages of (1)
abnormalcy: symptoms (miscellaneous) (1)
abnormalcy: terms for (48)
abnormalcy: terms for; aging and senility (1)
abnormalcy: thinking (6)
abnormalcy: types of (15)
abnormalcy: types of disorder (3)
addiction (3)
aging and senility (3)
altered states of consciousness (7)
assessment (1)
association of ideas (7)
attention (2)
awareness (16)
behaviour (16)
behaviour: motor (1)
body (1)
causality (26)
causality. (1)
causation (1)
cause (1)
cause, causation (1)
cognition (26)
cognition; perception (1)
development (5)
development: stages of (13)
diagnosis (1)
disease (8)
diseases, physical (1)
eating disorders (1)
emotion (33)
emotion, negative (1)
emotion: negative (29)
emotion: positive (9)
emotion; sexuality (1)
empiricism (1)
empiricism, methodological (5)
etiology (4)
faculty psychology (5)
gender (2)
health (2)
health, psychological (11)
humanism (4)
humouoral theory (1)
humoural theory (15)
imagination (3)
individual differences (10)
intelligence (10)
intelligence, degrees of (5)
intelligence: degrees of (18)
intentionality (4)
intentionality; purpose, goal (1)
learning (7)
maturation (1)
measurement, quantification (2)
memory (15)
methodology (1)
methods, methodology (65)
mind, tripartite (2)
mind-body problem (7)
moral philosophy (7)
moral philosophy; social processes (1)
motion, movement (1)
motivation (74)
nature-nurture (34)
noun (2)
perception (21)
personality (28)
personality trait (36)
personality type (6)
physiology (11)
prognosis (4)
purpose, goal (2)
realism (1)
Scottish School (2)
sensation (15)
sense, sensation (1)
senses, sensation (27)
sex, sexuality (1)
sexuality (24)
social processes (31)
speech and language (1)
speech, language, and communication (5)
symptomatology (4)
system, psychological (6)
systems, psychological (3)
systems, psychology (1)
theory (1)
theory, contentual objectivism (1)
theory, methodological objectivism (1)
theory: active-passive (1)
theory: contentual objectivism-contentual subjectivism (2)
theory: continuity-discontinuity (2)
theory: function-structure (2)
theory: mechanism (3)
theory: mechanistic (1)
theory: methodological objectivism-methodological subjectivism (4)
theory: molar-molecular (10)
theory: nomothetic-idiographic (3)
theory: vitalism (1)
therapy, treatment (3)
therapy/treatment (28)
thinking (35)
treatment/therapy (1)
Category: purpose, goal
The number, e.g. (2) indicates number of citations available.