Steven Heath

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< > However, I must admit, nobody from Cleveland NS has visited the office driving
< > a VW microbus and then went on to introduce themselves while explaining how their child had
< > just thrown up on them. Those of you who remember that incident will have NSTN
< > employee numbers under 20 ...


> [[Mike_Dinn|Moose]] writes: ''However, I must admit, nobody from Cleveland NS has visited the office driving a VW microbus and then went on to introduce themselves while explaining how their child had just thrown up on them. Those of you who remember that incident will have NSTN employee numbers under 20 ...''

I dont think I will ever forget the time I took Chandler (age 5 months) on the pub crawl with him in the backpack. Also making sure drunk SKL'ers did not stagger over him and making sure he did not drop his bottle was entertaining...

I wont forget back in 95 or so it was quicker for me to move files to a server in Halifax (from Ottawa) as i had 10 Mbps access than it was for me to clean up my HDD :-)

I recall the time I got into argument with [[Mike_Martineau?|martinea]] and set the record for starting Friday evening drinks at 3:30 and martinea joining me few mins later and within 30 mins about 20 were drinking in the NSTN/SKL kitchen.

Or of course I time I left a vamil to martinea and then as i was hanging up I yelled 'fucking veepee's!' and the pickup was good enough for it to be recorded before the handset hit the cradle. Chucky got a good kick out of that one :-)

Moose writes: However, I must admit, nobody from Cleveland NS has visited the office driving a VW microbus and then went on to introduce themselves while explaining how their child had just thrown up on them. Those of you who remember that incident will have NSTN employee numbers under 20 ...

That occured just before I filled in for Lana for 3 weeks.

Of which the funny thing was that guy in Truro emailing Lana while she was away but he thought she was back. I of course was usering her account as it was too hard to change it for the short contract.

The first line was a hoot, it went like 'I hope you had a sexy and happy honeymoon!'

How did he know me so well? :-)

Wellington, Australia is having great weather at the moment. A client of mine (Bank of NZ) had to send all their IT section home as the air con failed and the office
I joined Sybase at the beginning of the year (which I think I told ppl at the time). Working for a vendor is great... you can drink as much as you want as long as you have a 'client' with you it can all be claimed! Technical sales... do 3 emails, 2 phone calls and thats a big work load for the day :-) I am in Melbourne, OZ, this week and the city looks a lot like Toronto, trams, trees, layout of city, type of buildings and everything. I thinking that I might take a vacation to Canada in the Fall and visit my old haunts... will advise your all if/when I book it.

Quoting Daniel MacKay

> In case you were part of the creation of it, the giant THE TIME HAS > COME iSTAR eight by twelve foot poster (with the planet and exploding > star graphics) is /still/ up in the Second Cup at Spring Garden & > Queen in Halifax, behind the two Internet terminals.

That is amusing. I sold that connection to them, in the goodness of our hearts we 'waived' the reseller 50% premium as well in exchange for branding in the store.

It was funny how [[Shawn_Silver?|Shawn]] had to go in all the time to remove all the porn that was being set as the wallpaper and such like as it was Win 9*. I think in the end we had to install NT on it to stop these people.

Oh man, the jingle just hit me... bad Dan! "Atlantic Connect can get you on he Net with a phone call!" With regard to getting hold of Westthorpe did you try 1800 SCUM SUCKING PIG? 22&spell=1 seems to find your man. reading bio from the first link seems to be him. It also shows 'CityScapes' one of his many train wrecks. (Paula and Chuck have first hand info). From memory Paul fucked over many ppl with 2 computer stores (on Tuuro and other in the city) still taking money the day he was closed down. Then we have Atlantic Connect that when sold had listed one off income (francise fees) as recurring revenue to inflate the value of company. His lying saying he had 'direct access to CA*net node not via NSTN' was always amusing esp as I was one of the few ppl to know the exact details of the contract (of course a few was prob half of NSTN :-) and the only way i could defend his shit on usergroup was to tell people to traceroute the connection. Mikey Dee made him pay in advance for a reason but did agree to gag about any details of the contract. Then CityScapes which was another 'Westhorpe special' and im sure many more since then, I mean he has had about 8 years since then to fuck more people over while living in a REALLY nice house in his wifes name. Revenge would be sweet if she told him to fuck off and said 'what house?'. Of course this is all my opinion which I expect all of you to share! :-)
Chandler and Emma doing great. He will be 10 in 6 months. Still wont forget the freaking snow storm he was born in.