datemilessystem13 records found
90 PC, "Big Red"
1992-06-011800miscRichie Spardel bought the PC for $4600. It had a Kenwood radio & Hondaline backrest
1992-07-012200mischad my dealer install a Rifle 24" windshield. I also installed running lights and a headlight strobe and a Yamaha luggage rack on the ducktail and a simple throttle lock.
1994-07-0114000tiredealer suggested I replace Dunlops with Metzeler
1995-06-0125000tireI complained to my dealer about how the Metzelers were handling. He suggested to replace the stock fork springs with Progressives. So I did.... no improvement. When I went back to Dunlops the Bike handled better.
1996-06-0130000tireReplaced my Metzelers with Dunlops.
1996-07-0530000misca friend and myself went across country to San Francisco. While riding west on I 80 in Pennsylvania I noticed my self cancelling signal didn't self cancel. Then I noticed my speedometer wasn't working either. Suddenly in Pennsylvania 2 things went wrong!! I decided to continue with my trip and t...
1996-09-0142000fronWhen I got back home to New York I bought just the inner speedometer cable and repaired the odometer.
1997-08-3147000fronThe Speedo cable broke again! This time (This happened in Acadia Maine) I replaced the inner cable and also the outer armor part of the cable when I returned from that trip.
1999-05-0156000elecmy battery died. I wasn't too upset considering this was the Original battery (Yuasa). I replaced it with a KMart Exide but before finishing the installation I pulled out my trusty VOM to check the charging system. The voltmeter read 13.2V ... not good. Knowing about stator problems in '89s I fig...
2001-04-3061596miscmilage check. My odometer actually reads 46,596 miles but it is missing (in my estimate) 15,000 miles because of the broken speedo cables.
2001-04-3061596tireI have since replaced tires about every 12 to 14 thousand miles with Dunlops.
2001-04-3061596miscIn closing I would like to say to anyone who would listen (Beemers do you hear) This is the fifth bike I've owned and it is easily the best, most reliable, comfortable ride I've ever had. Its hauled my butt all over in all weather, and never let me down. How much do I like this 1990 Pacific Coast...
2006-08-08miscSomeone writes: "I believe Richie Spardel died two or three years ago" connected at Thu May 2 00:28:46 2024, last use = 0s ago. / ReturnTo: 'tab=browse'