Welcome visitor!
As of now, the PC Maint/Repair database has 16,829,778km / 10,457,539mi worth of data from 298 bikes!
For more focussed research, use the Research tab.
2013 - June
We're now running on Debian Linux, so this now really is a LAMP application: Linux + Apache + MariaDB + … the P stands for Perl! Please report any problems to daniel@bonmot.ca
2006- August: welcome to PC Maint DB Version Two!
It's all new - every line! Enjoy!
This is a LAMP application; the A is Apache and the M is MySQL, and the P is Perl. And instead of the L, it's Solaris, running on a beautiful Sparc Enterprise 220R sponsored by Sun Microsystems Canada. Thanks Sun!
The database is in BETA. Please report any problems to daniel@bonmot.ca