2007 mercury upgrade

This was actually done as 2008-10 mercury upgrade

2007-06: Immediate problem: we are running out of disk space on mercury

Option A: External Disk Enclosure


Option B: Upgrade One Disk

Replace one of the internal 18s with a 36 or more.

Advantages: most disk for the $

Disadvantages: no mirroring (however we don't have it now anyway.)

Option C: Upgrade Both Disks

Replace both internal 18s with 72s and mirror them.


Then Dan can use the spare 18s in the backup disk tower at home.

Option D: Rent Space From Moose

Will require monthly $$

Disk Suppliers

Method (Plan A)

  1. shutdown mercury.
  2. copy mercury to an NFS mount -- cpio would be fine
  3. insert new disk
  4. boot from CD
  5. cpio venus to new drive
  6. boot from new drive
  7. install other drive and mirror?

Method (2007-06 version)