MacKay Champion Genealogy - Person Sheet
MacKay Champion Genealogy - Person Sheet
NameGary Howard Blades
Birth Date19 Feb 1949
FatherWalter Howard Blades (1920-1958)
Notes for Gary Howard Blades
I had a wonderful childhood. In spite of the tragedies. After high school I moved to Halifax to attend college and university. I studied Electronics and Physics and has a career as a scientific computer programmer. I moved around a lot over the years. All over the world. Like Art I never got married. I am in my 70s now. I am kind of lost. I moved back to this area two years ago just after the pandemic was declared. I still work as a programmer. Remotely. I'll probably stay in this area for the duration at least for part of the year. I rent a quaint old house on Cape Sable Island. It has a lovely deck in the back and a large backyard bordering the forest. It's worth spending some time in the area and exploring the local beaches and wharves of which there are many.

Gary wrote a bit about his uncle Arthur Blades; see Art’s file/
Notes for Gary Howard Blades
The recording from a CBC variety show called Hi-Society.

The recording is from 1967 when students from BMHS traveled to Halifax to appear on the show. I got (the recording) from Roderick Mitchell. Here is an excerpt from the 1968 BMHS Yearbook: "On November 2nd, Barrington High School presented their second "Hi Society" program. Many hours of practise resulted in a successful program again this year. Our performers sang with confidence. The "Pickles" band and dancers added variety to the program. Fifty eight students and chaperones, Mrs. Pitceathley, Mrs. Berryman and Mr. Berryman, enjoyed the overnight stay in Halifax. While in Halifax we observed the taping of "Reach For The Top," shopped at the Halifax Shopping Center, and visited the Privateer Coffee House. New to the Program this year was the boys "Octet". They sang the folk spiritual "Noah Found Grace in the Eyes of the Lord." Another new group was the band. Band leader is Vaughn Dawe, bass-guitar -- Allan Brannen, Rhythm Michael Blades and drums Rod Mitchell. Wally Penney and Gary Blades played the accompaniments for the Glee Club and solo numbers. Trudy Nickerson, Lynn Crowell, Linda Swaine, Wally Brannen and Paulette and Pauline Raymond all showed an improvement over their last years solos. Paulette and Pauline Raymond, Debbie Blaine and Marlene Watt called their dance "The Dolls Dream". The Girls Glee Club, formed for "Hi Society, assisted in another program; the Remembrance day service in the Wesley United Church. Talent must be shared with others to be of value and to grow. Barrington Municipality has much talent. We hope that the future will bring more music teachers to this area so that all schools will have an adequate music program."
Last Modified 2 Dec 2023Created 13 Jan 2025 using Reunion for Macintosh
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