MacKay Champion Genealogy - Person Sheet
MacKay Champion Genealogy - Person Sheet
NameJames McLeod Squarebriggs
Birth Date1842
Death Date28 Oct 1929
Death PlaceRoslindale, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA
Burial PlaceForest Hills Cemetary, Jamaica Plain, Suffolk County, Mass
MotherCatherine MacLeod (1808-1874)
Birth Date1845
Birth PlaceUSA
Death Date?
Marr Date17 Mar 1868
Marr PlacePEI, CA
Marr MemoMarr. Book #11 1867-1871 p. 29 James Squarebriggs (B) Hannah Sims, (S) of New-London marr. 17 Mar 1868 by license by Rev. J.C. Cox A.B. witnesses R. McNeill-MD, John McLeod, Henry Squarebrigs.
ChildrenEmma Jane (1868-1871)
 Margaret Bell (1870-1918)
 Bruce (~1871-?)
 William "Daniel" (1872-?)
 Ida Mae (1874-1882)
 Heath C. (1876-?)
 George Bruce (1881-?)
 Martha Ellen (1884-?)
 Cassie (~1887-?)
Notes for James McLeod Squarebriggs
The death of James M. Squarebriggs was recorded in the Morning Graphic, Oct 29, 1929 as follows: "In Boston on Oct. 28, James M Squarebriggs, formerly of Stanley Bridge, Prince Edward Island, in his 88th year, leaving three sons, four daughters, a brother, grandchildren and great grandchildren.

Some of this family moved to the United States. Records list eight children in this family. If the above statement is correct, then there were more children born after the family left PEI.

Family moved to Red House, Mass, in the Boston area.

1891 census records his location 133 Kings and Q-Lot 56. Recorded as a farmer in Lot 56

DEM: got "Cassie" from MKM's notes I think.
Notes for James McLeod & Hannah Ann (Family)
Lived at Stanley Bridge, then at Summerside, PEI. Moved to Jamaica Plain
between 1895 and 1910.
Some children may have been born at Summerside. The 1881 Census at Stanley
Bridge listed Margaret through Bessie, Emma Jane having died.
The 1881 Census gave the name as Squarebridge, occupation trader.
Marr. Lic. Fee Book 1866-1879, p. 67 Jas. Squarebridge, B. New London to Hannah
Sims, S., New London granted 7 Mar 1868, Rev. J.C. Cox, B.A. bondsman John D.
Last Modified 23 Sep 2008Created 13 Jan 2025 using Reunion for Macintosh
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