Joseph “Paul” Robert Pitre & Susan Taylor - Media
Notre maison - 393 rue Beaumont, Dieppe, trois années avant l'avoir achetée.
Marc Savoie, FB group “Vintage Vieux Dieppe”, NB: “Photo taken by my dad, Guy Savoie. I'm the one wearing the white and black "rock" t-shirt.”
In 1981, I had a bicycle accident when a friend of mine, Pierre Maillet, cut in front of me with his car as I was coming down the Connaught St hill near U de M. Long story short, I was off work for 6 months with broken bones, and when the insurance money came in, we built an addition to our mobile home. We called it the Pierre Maillet wing, had a ribbon-cutting ceremony with, of course, the guest of honor and his wife. Carrie has this; it was written by Susan.
1989_ca Susan Mélodie Pitre
Congrès Mondial Acadien 1994. We performed for the Gallant reunion.
2006_ca Susan Paul Pitre Dan MacKay Norval Collins Lisa Pitre
2008, Lisa’s graduation: Lisa, Susan, Mélodie, Julieanne, Paul, David, Robert
2016 Mélodie et Lisa violon Mathieu-Martin
2018 - Festival baroque - Église de Tracadie
2018: De gauche à droite, Mélodie, David, Robert, Lisa et Julieanne.-
2019-12 Noël Matthew Mitchel David Mélissa Pitre
Carol-singing chez oncle Gérald et tante Eva Pitre
2020-12-22 Lisa in her wedding dress, visiting Roy