Rise times: your rise time will vary with temperature, salt content and the personality of your starter.
If you're using bought'n yeast and an ideal temperature, your bread will rise in about ¾ hour. If you're using sourdough starter made into a pre-ferment you'll get rise times of 3 or 4 hours or 12 hours or a day.
You'll learn after the first couple loafs what the rise time of your starter is. A fast rise time is not necessarily better.
Your starter is a mix of yeast and lactic acid bacteria; the yeast produces the carbon dioxide to raise the dough, the bacteria makes the lactic acid which gives it the characteristic flavour. So you have control here: if you want more sourdough flavour, you extend the rising time with temperature or salt; if you want less, you can speed it up.
If you want a very reliable short rise time and sourdough flavour, you can just use the regular amount of bought'n yeast, and ¾ of your starter as an ingredient in any bread recipe.