Refresh Your Starter

The idea of sourdough is that you keep it on the counter, use it, refresh it, and bake every day. But we don't all do that.

When to refresh?

If you use your sourdough starter to make bread, reserve 1-2 tablespoons and add flour and water as below to bring it back to its original volume.

If you let it go many days on the counter or weeks in the fridge or on the counter, and it has a layer of watery "hooch" on top, it will have kinda gone to sleep. You will need to refresh it several times to get it back to its most active state.

What Flour?

I use "whole white" flour. Feed it with the same flour that you'll be baking with mostly.

How To Refresh

[[Neal_Bowers?|Neal]] weighs his water and flour in to his starter (50g each); I use volume measures, I don't think it matters much. He ends up with a higher flour:water ratio so his starter is thicker.

  1. Discard all but a 1-2 tablespoons.
  2. add ¼ c water, scrape down the sides, thoroughly mix the old starter with the water, then
  3. add ¼ c flour and beat until 100% thoroughly mixed