Course: Dessert
Tags: Dan Original

Rhubarb Spring Mousse

You can use fresh or frozen rhubarb or for a variant, substitute puree'd strawberries for some of the juice.


Recipe created from NOTHING by Daniel MacKay in 2002


1 pkggelatine
¼ ccold water
equivalent of 1c sugarsweetener or sugar

Bust Out

tight-lidded saucepan
colander or sieve


  1. Soften gelatine in cold water
  2. Wash the rhubarb and cut 2" pieces (don't peel)
  3. Place in a tight-lidded saucepan with a little water.
  4. Steam; time 6 minutes after steam begins escaping from pan (for frozen, steam 3 minutes.)
  5. Set up a colander or sieve with cheesecloth to collect the liquid from the 'barb stew.
  6. Drain for about 10 minutes - you can stir it in the sieve a bit but don't press it out, it's unproductive and makes the juice muddy. You'll end up with 1.5 - 2c juice. The gelatine will set 2c liquid.
  7. Add softened gelatine to hot juice and stir until completely dissolved, 5 minutes sort of thing.
  8. I use ⅛ tsp stevia and a few Equal tablets, just enough to leave it tart because it's nice as a palate cleanser.
  9. Add sweetener or sugar to taste
  10. Chill until consistency of unbeaten egg whites.
  11. Whip
  12. Mousse will whip up to 2-3x volume of liquid.
  13. Chill in a bowl or moulds until set.
  14. As a palate cleanser, serve with a mint leaf, as a dessert, maybe whipped cream.