
Questions on this page:
  1. Why don't you have any courses in, for example, Sydney?

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Summary: new


< Once you have the particulars set, Solar Nova Scotia will promote your course to get as many attendees as possible.


> Once you have the particulars set, as well as your main local promotions, Solar Nova Scotia will promote your course in a variety of ways to help get as many attendees as possible.

Question: Why don't you have any courses in, for example, Sydney?

Answer: With local organizers coordinating, we can do and have done, "Charter" courses in other locations which are held on a Friday evening and all day Saturday and Sunday. The local organizers have the responsibility to:

The course fee for this will have to reflect:

... divided by the anticipated number of attendees, of course.


The venue needs:

Once you have the particulars set, as well as your main local promotions, Solar Nova Scotia will promote your course in a variety of ways to help get as many attendees as possible.