2023-01 update

Done on 2023-01-19

Original plan: upgrade mercury from Debian 9 "stretch" to 10, "buster."

#nslug denizen joeDoh convinced me to then do 10 --> 11, "bullseye".

stretch --> buster instructions here

buster --> bullseye here

Output of dpkg --get-selections "*" below

After reboot

Now do 10 --> 11 with https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/update-upgrade-debian-10-to-debian-11-bullseye/

grub-install: warning: Embedding is not possible. GRUB can only be installed in this setup by using blocklists. However, blocklists are UNRELIABLE and their use is discouraged..

Fix Sequence

  1. [x] apache2 just came up
  2. [x] mariadb just acme up
  3. [x] solarns.ca wayves.ca just came up
  4. [x] gay.hfxns.org needed Perl DateTime which took like an hour of Perl dependency installs
  5. [x] put old /etc/ssh/sshd_config in
  6. [x] Perl DateTime
  7. Check HRE again
  8. check the rover thing that tests if certs are available. Needed Date::Parse
  9. [x] Perl Date::Parse RRD::Simple CPAN::DistnameInfo inc::latest
  10. dovecot imap-login: Error: Failed to initialize SSL server context: Can't load DH parameters (ssl_dh setting): fixed by deleting /var/lib/dovecot/ssl-parameters.dat
  11. [x] check sshd/ssh
  12. [ ] fail2ban is really fucked up. the config files have changed so much from when it was installed that they can't be re-used. I copied /etc/fail2ban and did a "purge" and then started adding stuff back in.
  13. [x] CPAN force install RRD::Simple because of nan / -nan errors
  14. [x] apt remove php7.4*; this was a mistake because it looks like drupal 7 and 8 need 7.2 and drupal 10 needs 8.2. had to reinstall 7.4 and php7.4-mysql and php7.4-xml