2017 mercury move

Copied from 2013-06 Move

Big Picture

  1. Get security & authentication running
  2. Do hardening - guide here: https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/securing-debian-howto/ch-sec-services.en.html
  3. Copy /local/ into place, copy everything else into /mercury_old/
  4. Bring services on line one by one.
  5. mercnew -> mercury, mercury -> mercold

Tasks (roughly in order)

In progress

To be added to the to-do list maybe

Unexpected Stuff

 cd data/modules/
 for i in * ; do echo $i ; rm $i; ln -s /local/oddmuse/modules/$i ./ ; done

Move Drupal Site

  1. somehow lock the site so no changes can be made
  2. mysqldump the database to e.g. wayves.ca.sql
  3. scp wayves.sql over to mercnew:/tmp/wayves.ca.tar
  4. scp both files to mercnew:/tmp
  5. unpack the tarfile into /usr/share/drupal7/sites/
  6. mysql < /tmp/wayves.ca.sql
  7. change the dns and wait for the traffic to move over