2009-04 Move mercury zone

Task: move the mercury zone from the zfs filesystem on the external drives, /zone09/, to the internal drives, /zone/


With mercury running, do the first copy of the files over - this'll take a while

 rsync -v --archive --exclude mercury/root/proc/ /zone09/ /zone/

During Scheduled Downtime

Do one last rsync, as above.

Shut down the zone, detach it, and do the last rsync, should only be a few files:

 zoneadm -z mercnew halt
 zoneadm -z mercnew detach
 rsync -v --archive /zone09/ /zone/

Create the new zone and attach it to the packaged zone:

 zonecfg -z mercury
  create -a /zone/mercury
 zoneadm -z mercury attach
 zoneadm -z mercury boot
 zlogin -C mercury