Norval's 50th Birthday Party

About a hundred friends attended Norval's November 16th 1999, cabaret birthday party at The Church on North Street. Dr Piano moved the baby grand from Union St to there, Dave Morris made several courses of finger food for the hundred, and Manna For Health ran the cash bar. Dan was stage manager. And, Norval entertained with piano pieces and a slide show.

These pictures were taken with my beautiful Sony DSC-P1 digital camera, a gift from my brother Gary.

Click on the thumbnail for the fullsize pic.

Joe after having been provoked by Meaghan.

Meaghan & Don Roscoe

Dan having a nervous breakdown, and enjoying it immensely.

Vinnie -- you don't want to see what's printed on his tee shirt

Hey! His ears match the cake! Thanks Andrea!

Cake courtesy of Leaven Heaven in Dartmouth

Moose the photographer!

Norval on stage, playing the Chopin arrangement of Happy Birthday on his piano, with the band.

Slideshow code by Daniel MacKay, based on ideas from Gustav Evertsson