Elizabeth Susman / Suisman
1944-05-09 Keepsake For my sweet girl your ??? front
Mike Blades writes: This photo is very intriguing. Three ladies linking arms. The lady on the right looks a lot like Hedwig. Betty and I agree that the translation is probably “Keepsake 9 May 1944 For my sweet girl your Mams” Neither of us can decipher what the three letters B. O - Y or B. O- f mean. The identity of the two ladies on the left is unknown. In 1944 Hedwig would have been 45 years old. According to Hein, her mother died in 1926. But the important part is that the lady on the right is Mom’s Mother [Hedwig
Susman / Suisman]
Keepsake For my sweet girl, Your Mumsy. Unclear what B. O-I. means.
1944-05-09 Keepsake For my sweet girl your ??? front