Daniel Earl MacKay
Daniel Earl MacKay
February 1966
Taken on the doorstep of Aunt Mamie and Aunt Tessa’s party barn in Coffinscroft, near Barrington
Ferbruary 1966
ca 1965 Dan & Mike
In front of the Barrington Passage house, on the Valiant. Notice rabbit pen LR.
ca 1969: Earl & Dan
Dad’s truck. Notice our home phone number, “One Five Two Ring Two”
ca. 1969 Dan beside the house in Barrington
ca. 1969
December 1984: my brother Gary gave me an Olympus OM-1 for Christmas. This was to be my main camera for the next twenty years.
ca 1985
circa 1985: for a year I had a beard just on one side
ca 1990
Back is Heddy’s handwriting: Do you need *your* car painted?? Apply to Dan + Norval.
Internet 25th Birthday Levee 2008-01-01
1973_ca_Michael, Dan, Gary
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