MacKay Champion Genealogy - Person Sheet
MacKay Champion Genealogy - Person Sheet
NameRita Doucette
Notes for Rita Doucette
2014-06-28: I recently decided to try and obtain some information on my mother's voyage to Canada in 1946 as a war bride. I was successful and received a list of the passengers who travelled with her from Belgium(Southhampton,England to be exact) on the Aquitania.I do not know anything about the first leg of her voyage from Belgium to England.Your mother's name is the first on the list. I was so excited when I saw that she had gone to Barrington Passage which is only 40 mins from where I live. By googling her name I came upon  a wonderful website with beautiful photos and some information on her life. Thus I also found out about her family and her sons. I hope you don't mind that I am writing to you. My husband and I just recently returned from Belgium to visit my relatives's my 8th time now. Unfortunately my mother passed away at the young age of 55yrs in 1979. I am wondering of your mother spoke of her voyage to Canada ? We know very little but if you like I can share with you the list and the information I was provided by a lady in UK but perhaps you already have this. I was born in 1948 so I would be close to Michael and Gary's age.  Do they live in N.S.?
Last Modified 23 Mar 2023Created 13 Jan 2025 using Reunion for Macintosh
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