MacKay Champion Genealogy - Person Sheet
MacKay Champion Genealogy - Person Sheet
NameJennie Leonora Hitchens
Birth Date1898
Death DateJan 1994
FatherHoward Benjamin Hitchens (1865-1945)
MotherEmma Roselia Bolton (1867-1957)
Notes for Jennie Leonora Hitchens
Gary Blades writes, 2020-06-16: RE: Jenny. I also assumed Jenny had some kind of relationship with the Len person. It's something that people tend to assume. Maybe Mom projected that onto Jenny. She didn't approve of people being single back then. That impression of Len might have remained forever except for a chance meeting. I believe Jenny was a schoolteacher. She never got married so far as I know. She moved around from place to place.

I was an avid cyclist in university (for lack of money to do anything else). I did a cycle trip from Barrington to Halifax one summer. Probably 1972. I guess I had spoken to Jenny and she asked me to stop by and say hi at some cottage in Sandy Point. There I met the mysterious Leonard “Len” Robertson and his wife. He had just retired; he had worked as a civil servant in Ottawa. He seemed very bitter about his career.

I don't know but I am guessing he owned the cottage and Jenny was a guest. And I extrapolate back in time and assume Kozy Kamp was his cottage and Jenny took care of it while he was away. These are assumptions on my part. I stopped at Sandy Point for a short while. Probably was offered some refreshments. I do remember well him complaining about his life in the civil service. He sounded very bitter. But then he was retired and presumably had a government pension. So.

Mmmm. I don't know what happened with them all for the next 7-8 years. I saw Jenny again in 1980. I had come back from Arabia and went down to Barrington for a visit in a old orange VW Beetle I had bought. She was living in a new retirement home across from the Goudey Theatre. There had been a contest to name the building. She had submitted the name Bay Vista. She won. She was very pleased with that. And she seemed very happy with life there. I took a picture of her in front of the building (attached). I went to her small apartment. She gave me $5. I had just come back from Arabia with $30K. I should have given her some money. After that I lost touch with her. Polly got in touch with me some time after that. I don't know how long after. She said Jenny was ill and wanted to see me. But for some reason I didn't go. And Jenny died. And I never forgave myself for not seeing her one last time. The structure of reality really bothers me. I really hate it. These people meant so much to me and they're gone.
Last Modified 17 Jun 2023Created 13 Jan 2025 using Reunion for Macintosh
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