MacKay Champion Genealogy - Person Sheet
MacKay Champion Genealogy - Person Sheet
NameAlexander MacNeill
Birth Date1820
Birth PlaceCavendish, PEI
Death Date1898
Death PlaceCavendish, PEI
MotherEliza Bliss Townsend (1788-1869)
Birth Date1829
Death Date1911
Marr Dateabt 1849
ChildrenClara (1853-1876)
Notes for Alexander MacNeill
Farmer and post-master of Cavendish
7 children:
Leander, 1845- (marries 3 times)
Annie, 1848- (marries John Campbell)
John, 1851-
Clara, 1853- (marries Hugh J. Montgomery)
Mary Emily, 1856 (marries John Montgomery)
Chester, 1861-

Notes: grandfather to Lucy Maud Montgomery. After Clara's death,
brought up Lucy Maud.
Sister to Helen MacNeill who was the mother of Matilda. Uncle to
Last Modified NewCreated 4 Sep 2023 using Reunion for Macintosh
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