Yarmouth County, NS
Keywords: active, air space heating, offgrid, passive, wind turbines
Owner says:
"The ongoing R&D is done at our home at our expense but with that extra knowledge we can inform customers of what we think of various products when in actual usage."
Great performance.
The house is fully sheltered on the East, North, and West by natural woodland. The South is totally open allowing potential for full passive solar design.
House: Supplied by Kent Homes, Bridgewater. Applied open concept construction which preplanned passive solar heating from south face. It included an air exchanger system.
Contact person: Dave Reeves
Power System: Supplied by SOLTEK.
Type of System: PowerBoard Construction. 12V DC requirement.
Solar Panels: Seven Siemens SP-75
Array Mounting: Roof mounted structures, each frame holding five panels.
Charge Controller: Trace C-40, system includes invertor isolation switch required by code.
Invertor: Using two Trace DR2412 invertors (primary), and a Trace 800 watt unit battery bank for office equipment.
Storage: Ten Traction/Golf cart batteries, six volt each, wired for 12V DC output
Wind Generator: AIR 303-12
Tower: Locally built, tilt-up style, presently 22 ft.
System can be operated in the following modes to allow greater flexibility: Stand Alone Power System (for totally Off-Grid operation), Load Share System with NS Power U.P.S system, or Full NS Power
Other: External hook-up is available for a remote generator connection if the need arises. Therefore NS Power is available to become a complete backup source.
The Project was entirely installed independently.
The owner says:
"Alternative Energy is always changing and improving. It may not be for everyone as there are some lifestyle adaptations (just ask my wife...she deserves a medal for sure!) and some people will not be able to adapt. However, there are many aspects of alternative energy which can still be used without any major lifestyle changes. I do most of my own R & D on various items and then pass skills along to my customers.
"I wanted to learn more about Solar and Wind Power and all the books available only depict a perfect world with no variables thrown in. Therefore, according to the books, system X would allow you to power loads A,B,C,D with no problem while, in actual usage, system X would only power loads A & B and only on fine days.
"I can show the customer what is required to make a system work and what's needed to keep within the electrical code. I can explain why certain things are needed, how the system works on a whole.
"I believe in using alternative energy as depicted by my own home. I do not believe in selling a product that I would not use myself. If I find a product that I am not satisfied with, I will make a note of it.
"Special low energy appliances are available for the solar home but they are expensive and many people find the thought of changing their ways of living unacceptable."
Wind generator tower should have been raised to 40 or 50 ft.