Existing Solar Projects in NS


Richmond County, NS

Isle Madame

Keywords: pv

Year Built:
2400 sq ft, 4 baths, 5 bedrooms.
Energy Percents:
% passive, % active, % external
External Sources:
Electricity: 820 KWh,
Cost & Value:
Cost: , Assessed value: 250,000


Single-family home with one-bedroom apartment in the basement.

Economics & Performance

The home only used 820kWh of electricity in 2017 ($281 with taxes and base charge included.)

Lot Characteristics

2.5 acre lot


39 Jinko 250w PV panels with Enphase M215 micro inverters, generating 12000kWh of energy annually. The house has electric appliances, hot water, a heat pump and baseboard heaters The house uses ICF (Insulated Concrete Forms) and proves that you can make a house essentially "net zero." The solar panels have a 25-yr warranty and are essentially maintenance free. It is a great investment to give you free energy., www.appleseedenergy.com, Solar Panels are: and inverters are


the system was supplied & installed by Appleseed Energy

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