Lunenburg County, NS
7 KM N of Chester Basin
Keywords: passive, greenhouse
Without using wood stove, temperature has only dropped to 10~C with -20~C outside,
lakeside, boulder clay hill N,large erratic S, 45 year old trees, natural vegetation landscaping (mostly)
A Roscoe design 2 levels, efficient use of spaces, built into the side of glacial deposit, many interesting views from windows, several skylights provide natural lighting, ceramic floor downstairs/ hemlock upstairs, central plenum from upstairs recycles convectional air through concrete slab base
The amount of natural light in this home makes it a wonderful place to live (display art, grow houseplants, enjoy moonlit nights, etc)
Make appointment with owner at (902) 275-5260
incorporate solar hot water in system, temperature sensors in concrete slab, floor heater in bathroom