Andrew Whynot and Neil adding a second set of 8 PV panels. Now on a clear sunny day I get ~19 amps at 50 volts into the batteries in January, and 24 amps in April. Looks like I have room for 12 more 90 watt panels if needed.
Halifax County, NS
Keywords: hydronic space heating, offgrid, passive, pv, wind turbines
Net zero. Getting close but need a way to store energy from PV in summer.
Slope to east near top of hill 100 feet above sea level.
Passive windows south side; 16 x 90 watt PV on 16-12 pitch roof with room for 12 more; DHW on roof; Air circulation Active concrete basement floor; R60+ in celing, R40 walls main floor and up, R30 above grade basement walls, R22 below grade basement walls, R10 basement floor.
Fall of 2020: added a 57 foot tilt-down tower and 600/800 watt Suzhou Yueniao Machinery wind turbine.
PV: Andrew Whynacht, Conquerall Electrical Bridgewater; Duct work in slab prefab by Millennium Sheet Metal; Duct work: Mariner Forge (Danny); Floor joist and truss: Kent Building Supplies; Windows and doors: Percy's /Kohler; Metal roof: Scotia Metal; Engineering approval for raft foundation: Pat Griggs; Plans: Shawna Henderson
Excavation, driveway, disposal field and tank: Conrad Construction; Basement ICF, floor joist and truss: Glen Parsons; PV: Andrew Whynacht, Conquerall Electrical Bridgewater; Electrician: Lawrence Monet; Siding: Stan Dixon; Duct work: Mariner Forge (Danny); Plumbing rough-in: Eastern Plumbing; Insulation and vapor barrier: Pat MacDonald Donerite Insulation; Solar DHW, duct and form for slab installed by the owner, me, RW.
If you have any questions or want a tour, email