Existing Solar Projects in NS


Halifax County, NS

Lower Sackville

Keywords: passive, activated slab

Year Built:
3150 sq ft, 3 baths, 3 bedrooms.
Energy Percents:
50% passive, % active, % external
External Sources:
Cost & Value:
Cost: 240,000, Assessed value: 275,000

Economics & Performance

This home is heated with the same amount of oil that was used to heat the mobile home that we moved from. This home, not including the garage is more than 3 times the size of the mobile. The electic bill is higher and I am not sure if it because of there is 3 more people living in this home or what but I would have to look into that more closely if I was to build again.

Lot Characteristics

Due south faceing down slope. Rock ridge on north side which had more mature, wind blocking, trees before Juan. Lots of rock. Located in beautiful Solar designed Sub-division Stonemount Village.



The house was inspired by the southwest architecture done Canadian style. The back of the house faces directly south. The slope downwards and trees between it and the houses behind allow for the absence of drapes to maintain maximum solar gain. The characteristics of the lot and it's many rock formations dictatated the "L" shape of the house. The heat storage slab was designed and installed by Don Roscoe. Besides the solar gain and the slab with it's additional air circulation system, the home is heated with a oil stove.



Napoleon oil stove by Atlantic Stove & Fireplaces., Kemiko stain for the concrete floor stain and wax.


The slab is a Don Roscoe designed heat storage slab., The mechanical system to support the slab was installed by Russ Vining Mechanical in Halifax.

What would we do different?

I think next time I will install the radiant infloor heating with a circulating pump and make provisions to install solar panels in future if I find I need or want it. I would also make sure that most of the tubes in the floor went near the oil stove. I feel that would help level out the temperature and lower the oil bill as well. Not that it is high but lower is always better when you talk bills.

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