Existing Solar Projects in NS


Halifax County, NS


Keywords: active, offgrid, pv, wind turbines

sq ft, 0 baths, 0 bedrooms.
Energy Percents:
% passive, % active, % external
External Sources:
Cost & Value:


Former cottage now as the retirement home. Whenever they needed electricity they had to start the 3500 watt Honda generator.

Economics & Performance

Installed: October 2002. Since the solar and wind system is installed they have power round the clock and the generator runtime dropped by 80%. Due to the availability of power even in the middle of the night when everybody is asleep, the distributor fans of the two propane stoves can now kick in automatically and therefore run the stoves much more efficiently.


12 Volt System consists of: 6 Solar modules Siemens SP-75 watt, 1 Charge controller Trace C-40, 1 Trace DC safety disconnect with 250 amp breaker, 1 Capacity meter Trimetric 2020, 1 Inverter Trace PS 2512 2500 watt (surge 6000), 6 Batteries L-16 6 volt @ 370 Ah (10,6 kwh usable power), 1 Windgenerator Air 403 X-Marine 400 watt, 1 Honda Gas Generator 3500 watt


Designed by NovaSol Inc., Up. Tantallon, Suppliers: Soltek Powersource, Victoria, B C., Arise Technologies, Kitchener ON


NovaSol Inc., Up. Tantallon

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