Existing Solar Projects in NS


Avalon NF

Tors Cove

Keywords: active, air space heating, CanSolAir

sq ft, 2 baths, 8 bedrooms.
Energy Percents:
% passive, 10% active, % external
External Sources:
Cost & Value:


To provide cost-free space heating,

Economics & Performance

Very Poor performance during winter months due to the particular site's low roof angle, more shadows from trees interfere between November and January. These months are poor solar gain months in NL anyway. Works well otherwise, and for the remainder of the year should perform very well. Will possibly have improved performance as Cansolair experiments with an optional reflector and air over water option for domestic hot water heating and thermal storage.

Lot Characteristics

Poor solar site due to location behind hill.



Large Bed and Breakfast house with five bedrooms and a large kitchen and living room upstairs. Not using solar to heat basement at present. Would need another unit.


Cansolair Inc.


Canaolair Inc.


Customers should request detailed explanation of how the system works and performs on a month by month basis for their area and specific site. Was expecting it to heat the whole house during the winter months. Will probably still get a good yield in spite of poor orientation. The owner may possibly try the reflector and hydronic options to improve winter performance and extend summer use with a water heating option.

What would we do different?

Add the optional concentrator and hydronic option for better winter performance when the sun is low. To extend summer use with water heating.

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