RFCs Used For The Transition
- 801: Jon Postel's NCP --> TCP Transition Plan
- 899: is a compilation of RFCs related to the transition - for a timeline, see the "Who Talks TCP?" Surveys, sometiems issued days apart.
- Ronda Hauben's paper, From the ARPANET to the Internet: A Study of the ARPANET TCP/IP Digest and of the Role of Online Communication in the Transition from the ARPANET to the Internet describes what a difficult and exciting time 1981 - 1982 were.
- For a history of the Internet in Canada, see the list of CANARIE publications, specifically, A Nation Goes On Line, a 129-page history of the internet in Canada which is a little upper-Canadian-Centric; Dalhousie's John Sherwood has published a an Atlantic Canadian supplement to cover the pioneering work that was done here.