Wayves Groups & Services

As of Oct 22, 2024

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Atlantic Canada

Al-Anon/Alateen for families & friends of problem drinkers. Does someone you know have a drinking problem? 466-7077 web: www.freewebs.com/alanonmaritimes

AtlanticCanadianLesbians Online Group For Lesbians from the Atlantic Provinces

AtlanticPoz A new discussion group is for individuals living with HIV in Atlantic Canada. web: health.groups.yahoo.com/group/atlanticpoz/

Egale Canada - Atlantic (888) 204-7777 email: egale.canada@egale.ca web: www.egale.ca

Healing Our Nations Healing Our Nations is an Aboriginal HIV/AIDS service organization that serves the Atlantic region. 1.800.565.4255 email: ea@accesswave.ca (Training offered on request at no charge for Aboriginal peoples and/or organizations.) at 31 Gloster Court, Dartmouth, NS B3B 1X9

Mr Atlantic Canada Leather Society Dedicated to developing gay leather communities in the Atlantic region. email: waydo7@hotmail.com

Names Project (AIDS Memorial Quilt) panels - helping create, and lending. 902-454-5158 email: larrybaxter@ns.sympatico.ca web: www.quilt.ca (Call if interested in volunteering or making a panel) at 3544 Acadia St. Halifax, NS B3K 3P2

Narcotics Anonymous a fellowship of recovering drug addicts who meet regularly to help each other stay clean. 1-800-205-8402 web: centralnovaarea.ca at Call the phone number or visit the web page for meeting times and places.

Project E Presentation for youth, on gender expression, myth busters, proper terminology and other facts web: www.freewebs.com/xprojecte/ at available via web page

Wayves Magazine Atlantic Canada's queer news and lifestyle magazine! email: submissions@wayves.ca web: wayves.ca (Deadline: the first Friday of every month; Editorial meeting: the Monday following that; layout the Sunday following that. Email us to be put on our notification list!)

New Brunswick (506)


AIDS New Brunswick / SIDA Nouveau-Brunswick committed to facilitating community-based responses to the issues of HIV/AIDS. Needle exchange located in office at 65 Brunswick Street Fred. E3B 1G5 459-7518 email: jennifer@aidsnb.com web: www.aidsnb.com (Office Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30AM to 12:30PM and 1:30PM to 4:30PM)

Fredericton Pride Community-based, volunteer organization that oversees and executes Fredericton Pride Week. email: info@frederictonpride.org web: www.frederictonpride.org

Integrity Supports and encourages Gays and Lesbians in their spiritual lives. email: integrityfredericton@live.ca web: www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=46207976587, meets 3rd Sunday (4:00pm) at Unitarian Fellowship of Fredericton at 874 York Street

Queer Theory Collective QTC promotes the queer arts, culture, and history scene. Please contact us for more information, schedule of events, or to be added to our email list.

Spectrum Spectrum is a social/support group celebrating the diversity of the GLBTQ community and gay-friendly peoples at UNB and STU. Weekly meetings are open for both students and non-students to attend, and may feature various 'theme' nights from fun and games to more serious current event discussions impacting the GLTBQ community. email: spectrum@unb.ca web: http://www.unb.ca/clubs/spectrum/ (Group Meets Fridays at 5:30 pm (subject to change, see webpage for updates)) at University of New Brunswick - Fredericton Campus, Marshall D'Avry Hall, Room 235

UNB/STU Women's Collective Women of all ages and orientations, meets every Monday at 5pm at the University Women's Centre at the SUB


AIDS Moncton offers support to people living with HIV and their families and friends, education and awareness 506-859-9616 email: sidaidsm@sida-aidsmoncton.com web: www.sida-aidsmoncton.com at (506-859-4726 fax) 80 Weldon St, Moncton, NB, E1C 5V8

PFLAG Supporting all people with questions or concerns about sexual orientation and gender identity issues 382-7145 email: monctonnb@pflagcanada.ca web: www.pflagcanada.ca/moncton.html, meets 3rd Monday (Occassionally on the 2nd Monday — please call) at YMCA, 30 War Veterans Avenue

River of Pride-riviere de fierte INC. of Greater Moncton The organization meets regularly, to discuss upcoming events and activities, everyone is welcome to attend. check out time / location posted on the website. Media and general inquiries, including registration of volunteers and parade particpation, can be made from the website or by email. email: riverofpride@hotmail.com web: www.fiertemonctonpride.ca (See webpage for schedule.)

Transgendered Peer Support Group Open to all M2F, F2M, Andro and trans-supporters from across Atlantic Canada. email: be_tgmoncton@live.com

Un sur Dix - University of Moncton Association for the LGBT community and their allies (not only for students) The mission is to ensure the well-being of the community and to end homophobia (mainly a french association, but also organizes some bilingual activities). For more information, please visit the website. email: unsurdix@umoncton.ca web: etudiants.umoncton.ca/umcm-unsurdix

Petit-Rocher (Bathurst area)

Gais.es Nor Gays Inc. (GNG) A bilingual volunteer association serving gay men, lesbians and bisexuals of northern New Brunswick. email: info@gngnb.ca web: www.gngnb.ca (Dances are held at GNG club every Saturday night. See www.gngnb.ca for a list of upcoming events.) at 702 rue Principale, Petit-Rocher NB. Look for rainbow flag and/or door with pink triangle at rear of parking lot.

Sackville NB/Amherst NS

Catalyst Catalyst, Mount Allison's Queer-Straight Alliance, provides support & information for all Mt. A students, staff, and faculty through meetings, seminars, and social events. Everyone is welcome. email: catalyst@mta.ca web: www.mta.ca/clubs/catalyst/ (Catalyst meets approximately every week from Sept-Dec and Jan-April. For meeting info contact the president at catalyst@mta.ca or the Students' Administrative Council at sac@mta.ca.)

PFLAG Support and education for GLBTT2IQQ persons, friends & family 536-4245 email: sacknb-@pflagcanada.ca, meets 4th Monday (7:30 to 9:30pm, no meeting in July and August) at St Anthony's Presbyterian Church, 36 Bridge St.

Saint John

Affirming United Church - Centenary - Queen Square United Church invites you to worship! 506-634-8288 email: cqsunited@nb.aibn.com web: www.cqsunited.ca, meets every Sunday (10:30am) at 215 Wentworth St, Saint John, NB

AIDS Saint John To improve the quality of life for those infected & affected by HIV/AIDS, and to reduce the spread of HIV through education and a needle exchange program. Call the office for details. 652-2437 email: aidssj@nb.aibn.com web: www.aidssaintjohn.com

Gay Men’s Supper Club web: www.portcityrainbowpride.com, meets 3rd Saturday (See webpage for more information) at 220 Germain St. Saint John New Brunswick

PFLAG Provides support to anyone dealing with issues of sexual orientation and/or gender identity. (506)648-9700 or 648-9227 email: saintjohnnb@pflagcanada.ca web: www.pflagcanada.ca/saintjohn, meets 1st Friday (1st Friday of each month September - June from 7:00- 9:00 p.m. No meeting in July & August. ) at 116 Coburg Street in Saint John, New Brunswick in the Community Health Centre next to St. Joseph's Hospital.

Port City Rainbow Pride Pride Celebrations Committee

Saint John LGBTQ Lending Library over 300 fiction and non-fiction titles. 634-8288 email: cqsunited@nb.aibn.com (open Monday through Friday, 9 AM to noon.) at the office of Centenary Queen Square United Church at 215 Wentworth Street.

The UNBSJ Q-Collective A social and support organisation for UNBSJ students, staff and faculty. 506-648-5737 web: www.unbsj.ca/clubs/qcollective (The UNBSJ Q-Collective is interested in hearing from other university LGBTQ organisations and would like to possibly meet or collaborate.) at Various locations; event particulars will be emailed to anyone who registers with the UNBSJ Q-Collective and/or who gets the UNBSJ weekly “E News”. Past events include the annual Rainbow Peace March, guest speakers, movie nights, participation in Maritime Pride Parades, Supporters of PFLAG Canada's "Communities Encourage Campaign" and "Champions Against Homophobia".


Woodstock GLBT Youth Advocate and Family OutReach Books, movies, advice, directions, contacts, and support etc. for the family. 328-4868 email: richardb@nbnet.nb.ca

Newfoundland & Lab (709)

Frontrunners Newfoundland and Labrador Running/walking club. 722-5791 or 753-9529 email: tonybrathwaite@bellaliant.net,jennifer.mccreath@yahoo.com (meeting times can be flexible to accommodate new runners.)

St. John's

AIDS Committee of Newfoundland & Labrador HIV/AIDS education and support for male/female/transgendered, all ages, Newfoundland and Labrador 579-8656 email: info@acnl.net web: www.acnl.net

LBGT-MUN Resource Centre LBGT-MUN is an information/resource, service, and peer support centre staffed by trained volunteers! 737-7619 email: lbgt@munsu.ca (Open Monday-Friday 9-4. Biweekly meetings for members and volunteers. ) at Smallwood/University Center, UC-6022. Building located on Prince Phillip Drive. Call us! Get involved!

LBGTQ Youth Group A monthly gathering for queer, allied, questioning, and any interested youth. We offer social events such as bowling, movie nights, and coffee houses. Contact group coordinator Rob Sinnott at the number listed, email, or visit the web page for more info. 699-0509 email: lbgtq@nlsexualhealthcentre.org web: nlsexualhealthcentre.org

PFLAG Canada - St. John's NL Chapter Monthly Chapter meetings, support and information for gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, transsexual, two-spirit, intersex, queer and questioning persons and their parents, families and friends. 699-0509 email: stjohnsnl@pflagcanada.ca web: www.pflagcanada.ca (We will aim to hold Chapter Meetings on the third Thursday of each month. Please check www.pflagcanada.ca for schedule and any changes.) at Community Connections, 9 Cathedral Street, St. John's NL.

St. John's Pride Inc The officially-registered non-profit Pride company for St. John's email: stjohnspride@yahoo.ca web: www.stjohnspride.org

Nova Scotia (902)

Hepatitis Outreach Society HepNS provides support, education and prevention information for those infected and affected by hepatitis in the province of Nova Scotia. 420-1767 in HRM or 1-800-521-0572 email: info@hepns.ca web: www.hepns.ca at Our office is located at 5571 Cunard St. Suite 201. Please call or email to make an appointment.

South Shore Rainbow Families South Shore Rainbow Families is a group created by and for LGBTQ families (this is inclusive of LGBTQ parents and their children, as well as LGBTQ children and their parents), allies, prospective parents, and all other supporters, regardless of family size, ethnicity, culture, faith, or income level. South Shore Rainbow Families would like to strive to cultivate and promote a healthy and strong community through maintaining an active online community and holding “Family Fun” events in the area. email: southshorerainbowfamilies@hotmail.com web: www.facebook.com/groups/122754554526294/

SUNS GLB Constituency Committee 494-6654 at c/o the Students' Union of NS

Venus Envy Bursary Society An annual award open to all women studying in NS. web: www.venusenvy.ca/halifax


Sexual Health Centre Cumberland County Open and inclusive services: information, education, workshops, free condoms. 667-7500 email: shccc@ns.aliantzinc.ca web: cumberlandcounty.cfsh.info (9 - 5 drop-in or appt) at 11 Elmwood Drive (Side entrance). Confidential, hassle-free. Free condoms.

Annapolis Valley

Annapolis Valley Pride (formerly the Valley Gay Mens Coffee House) hosts Coffee Talk 825-3197 email: menembracingmen@hotmail.com, meets every Thursday (at 7pm, and a monthly LGBT 19+ dance, please call for location and details.)


Rainbow Warriors Rainbow Warriors is a youth-run support group for LGBTQ youth and allies in Antigonish. We hold social events such as picnics and game nights, have educational discussions around topics such as stereotypes/assumptions and transsexuality, and raise awareness in the surrounding community by participating in functions such as the Highland Games Parade and the Farmers' Market. While our group is youth-focused everyone is regardless of age, and gender identity or sexual orientation! Find our group on Facebook "Rainbow Warriors - AAHA!" email: antigonishrainbowwarriors@gmail.com, meets every Monday (3:00-5:00pm) at The Antigonish Women's Resource Centre, located in the Kirk Building at 219 Main Street, Suite 204 (above Tim Hortons).

X-Pride social & support group at X 867- 5007 web: www.stfx.ca/people/xpride


Bedford United Church An Affirming Ministry of the United Church of Canada - ALL welcome 835-8497 email: bedfordunited@eastlink.ca web: www.bedfordunited.com, meets every Sunday (9 am service: Casual and contemporary, with free coffee and muffins before church to take into this service. 11 am service: Quieter and more reverent in tone, coffee after service. During the summer months, we have one 10 am service but occasionally during the year we change our service times for special occasions, so please call to confirm service times) at 1200 Bedford Hwy at Sullivan's Hill


Sexual Health Centre for Lunenburg County Confidential info, education&support for everyone. Safer sex supplies, library, pamphlets, workshops 527-2868 email: LunCo@NSSexualHealth.ca web: www.theSHaC.org (Hours vary. Open by appointment or by chance. Please call ahead. ) at 4 Hillcrest Street Unit 8, Bridgewater. (On the corner of Dufferin and Hillcrest Streets). Closed during summers.


Affirm United GLBT & Friends support, action and worshipping community within the United Church 461-4528 email: alstew@eastlink.ca

AIDS Coalition of Nova Scotia non-profit, community-based AIDS organization, provincially mandated. Provides direct service and support for people living with HIV/AIDS and also offers various prevention programs across NS. You can reach us locally to HRM at 425-4882 or across the province at 1-800-566-2437. (902)425-4882 email: acns@acns.ns.ca web: www.acns.ns.ca

Alcoholics Anonymous Live & Let Live AA Group for LGBT community (902) 425-8383/422-4972 email: courage449@yahoo.com web: at www.halifaxgayaaroundup.org, meets every Monday (at 8pm) at St Matthews United Church, 1479 Barrington St, Halifax (Use the path through the wall south of the church, and go down the steps.)

Anonymous HIV/AIDS Testing 455-9656

BLT-Womyn of Halifax Bi Sexauls, Lesbian, Transgender Womyn's Discussion Group Online Sue's # 499-0335 email: sueandrews1964@hotmail.com web: ca.groups.yahoo.com/group/blt-womynofhalifax/ (No Meetings at Present! Please call if you have any questions, 499-0335 sue) at Dalhousie Women's Centre 6286 South Street (Beside Dalplex Driveway) Cancelled at the present time.

DalOUT DalOUT is the award-winning LGBTQ society at Dalhousie University. We pride ourselves on hosting fun, engaging and educational events for the entire Halifax community. email: dalout@dal.ca web: www.dalout.ca, meets 2nd Thursday, and 4th Thursday (from 6 p.m. until 7 p.m.) at the Dalhousie Student Union Building (6136 University Ave., Room 321)

Elderberries Social Group A group for social get-togethers and information for LGBT people aged 50-plus. email: elderberries.scotia2@gmail.com web: gay.hfxns.org/ElderBerries, meets 2nd Sunday (Meeting times and locations vary; send a note to the email address to be added to our list!)

Frontrunners Halifax Running/walking club 422-7579 email: Bruce.Greenfield@dal.ca web: www.frontrunners.org/clubs/index.php?club=Halifax, meets every Saturday, and every Tuesday, and every Thursday (Sat: 9:30am, Tue: 6:00 pm, Thu: 6:00pm ) at Main gates of the Halifax Public Gardens, corner of Spring Garden Road and South Park Street.

GAY, LESBIAN & BISEXUAL YOUTH GROUP AT Q.E.H. Jeanie Buffet, Counsellor, at 421-6797

Get Out, Halifax! Recreation activities (team activities, cycling, running, rowing - you name it) for metro & beyond! web: www.getouthalifax.ca at Visit and get on the email list for more info.

Girl-ish Productions Girl-ish puts on hot and heavy bi-monthly-ish dance parties for queer-ish folks and their friends. web: www.girlish.ca

Halifax Sexual Health Centre Anonymous HIV testing, open and inclusive sexual health clinical services, education and workshops. Everyone welcome. Confidential and non-judgmental. 455-9656 web: www.HSHC.ca

Imperial and Sovereign Court of Atlantic Nova Society Fundraising 902-449-7612 web: www.imperialcourtns.com, meets 1st Sunday, and 2nd Sunday (Executive Meetings Are Currently Held Every Second Sunday) at Meeting Locations Vary

Integrity Integrity is an organization of GLBT Anglicans and their friends, to encourage Christian gay men and lesbians in their spiritual life; to support the Church in its commitment to seek and serve Christ in all people; and to reach out to the GLBT community in Christian love and service. (902) 425-8383 web: www.integritycanada.org, meets 3rd Sunday (4:00pm) at All Saints Cathedral

Koinonia Ecumenical Church Meaning ‘community’. Koinonia is an ecumenical faith community offering open membership, equal marriage, practicing bible, church, religious and soul freedom,as well as open table communion. Koinonia offers Spiritual Care.Crisis support visitation and counselling for an honorarium. ALL are Welcome who celebrate God's Covenant to Love All of God's Creation. We are a registered charitable organization accepting donations from all who believe in the promotion of our all-inclusive community of faith. Contact Rev. Elaine @ 902-876-8771 for more information, or mail your contribution to 2410 St. Margaret's Bay Road Halifax N.S. B3T 1H1 with your name and address so we can issue your tax receipt. 876-8771 email: koinonia@eastlink.ca (we gather bi-weekly at 12:30pm - 1:30 followed by a time of fellowship) at Petrie's Halifax Feast Dinner Theatre, Maritime Centre - entrance on the corner of Barrington & Salter Streets

Manna For Health A special needs referral food bank for those living with life threatening illness. 429-7670

MomSquared CALLING ALL LESBIAN MOMS. I know you're out there! A group for lesbian moms to connect and provide support and friendship to each other as well as friendship and interaction for our children. email: ilovemy2moms@gmail.com web: momsquared.weebly.com

Mount Pride LGBTQ group at Mount Saint Vincent University email: mountpride@mountstudents.ca, meets last Monday (at 2:00pm. ) at Meetings in the Diversity Center in Roseria. Possible events that are being planned for the year include sexuality awareness, movies nights, social events, guest speakers, and many more. There are always LGBTQ community events to be involved with and events that are always fun. This group is open to anyone who would like to join. Also, join the "Mount Pride" Facebook group!

Nova Scotia Rainbow Action Project (NSRAP) advocates for Nova Scotia’s Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Community. Fostering change in our communities through education, outreach, and political action. 444.3206 email: nsrap@nsrap.ca web: nsrap.ca at TBA

OUT! Alive Join us and help raise awareness in the Rainbow Community about the dangers of drug and alcohol abuse, tobacco use and gambling problems. Volunteers meet once a month to discuss these issues and plan community awareness/education activities. Our mission is to increase knowledge of addiction issues (alcohol, drugs, tobacco, and gambling) within our community by promoting Outreach and Understanding; to raising awareness about the Treatment and support options available to our community; to ensure that such options are able to meet, respect and respond to the needs and experiences of those within the Rainbow Community. email: Patrick.Daigle@cdha.nshealth.ca

Outlaw GLBTQ & Allies Law Students Association at Dalhousie Law School email: schulich.outlaw@gmail.com web: www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=2416842853 (Meetings vary. Please email for further information or check out our Facebook group.) at Dalhouisie Law School. 6061 University Avenue. Halifax, Nova Scotia.

PCCN Halifax Rainbow Warriors is a prostate cancer support group for gay men and their families that is part of the Prostate Cancer Canada Network. Our meetings are informal and provide a forum for personal discussion with prostate cancer survivors, those newly diagnosed and their caregivers. For more information or to become a member contact Rob Isbister at: 902-454-9279 email: rainbowwarriors@eastlink.ca, meets 3rd Tuesday (None in July or August) at Prostate Cancer Canada Atlantic 5121 Sackville Street Suite 101 Halifax B3J 1K1

PFLAG Support & education on issues of sexual orientation & gender identity. These meetings are open to all. For more information please feel free to contact Michelle Malette by phone or email. Hope you'll join us! 431-8500 email: halifaxns@pflagcanada.ca, meets 1st Thursday (We meet on the 1st Thursday of each month from 6:30 -8:30 pm 902-431-8500) at Youth Project, 2281 Brunswick St, Halifax

Play Group for Queer Families 422-8780 (3-5pm) at Board Room (Play Room) at Needham Community Recreation Centre, 3372 Devonshire St (north end Halifax, near intersection of Duffus & Novalea, bus routes 7 & 9) Bring a snack for your child(ren). We will be collecting money from each family to cover the cost of the room rental, likely $2-4 per week.

Pride Week Producers of Atlantic Canada's largest LGBTQ cultural festival. 431-1194 email: info@halifaxpride.ca web: www.halifaxpride.ca

prideHealth prideHealth is a program of Capital Health and the IWK Health Centre. If you are a member of the pride community and need support with any kind of health care call Anita our Clinical Nursing Specialist, number below. She is available free of charge, offers complete confidentiality, and can also give you support if you are experiencing homo or transphobia. prideHealth- improving safe access to health care. 220.0643

Quakers Quakerism emphasizes that we all manifest the Divine. 429-2904 web: halifax.quaker.ca, meets every Sunday at Library at Atlantic School of Theology, Franklyn St. All very welcome.

SMU-Q A student-driven society that provides positive support, advocacy, activities, and education through the dissemination of information to the gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered, transsexual, queer, questioning, intersexual, and ally persons of Saint Mary’s University and the LGBTQIA community at large. 902-496-8216 email: info@smuq.ca web: www.smuq.ca (See our facebook group http://www.facebook.com/SaintMarysUniversityQ and website for details on upcoming events) at Saint Mary's University

Spirituality For Lesbians We seek to deepen our relationship with God, knowing that God loves us and calls us into life just as he has created us. Persons of every or no denomination are welcome. 459-2649, meets 2nd Wednesday (7:30-9PM, phone for meeting locations)

St. John's United Church an affirming church community. We welcome everyone, especially those who love music, challenging sermons, innovative approaches to worship, opportunities to participate in social action, and the idea of being part of an optimistic congregation that thinks outside the box. web: www.stjohnsunited.com (10:30am) at 6199 Chebucto Rd, the top floor of the Maritime Conservatory of Music at the corner of Chebucto Road and St Matthias Street.

Team Halifax All GLBT over 18, athletes and performance artists, as well as anyone willing to help out. 422-9510 web: www.teamhalifax.com (No fixed schedule at this time, look on website for further details.)

The Youth Project Support, education and social activities for youth 25 and under across Nova Scotia. Weekly events, plus a youth food bank and Health nurse on site. 429-5429 email: youthproject@youthproject.ns.ca web: www.youthproject.ns.ca (Please see our website for an up-to-date calendar of events.)

Trans Family Nova Scotia Trans Family is an open & supportive space welcoming families, friends and allies as well as trans and genderqueer folk themselves. If you are unable to join us at a meeting for any reason, we can you help source resources and refer you to other appropriate organizations to help meet your needs. For more information, please feel free to call or email Michelle. 902-431-8500 email: transfamily@eastlink.ca, meets 3rd Monday (6:30 to 8:30 pm) at The Youth Project 2281 Brunswick St., Halifax

Universalist Unitarian Church an inclusive liberal religious community 429-5500 email: uuchurch@eastlink.ca web: UUCH.ca , meets every Sunday (10:30; see website for special events) at 5500 Inglis St


Red Door Youth Health & Support Centre. Information and services for sexual health. Ages 13 - 30. 679-1411 web: thereddoor.ca (Monday to Friday 2pm to 6pm) at 150 Park Street


Second Story Women's Centre We offer a meeting space for women, support counselling, programs, and referrals. (902)640-3044 email: secstory@eastlink.ca web: www.secstory.com at Second Story Women's Centre is located at 22 King Street, Post Office Centre, Lunenburg.


PFLAG Information and support for GLBT community and their friends and families. 902-825-0548 email: middletonns@pflagcanada.ca web: www.pflagcanada.ca/middleton.html (Check online for meeting times and locations- or phone 825-0548)

New Glasgow

Pictou County Centre for Sexual Health Providing comprehensive and accessible sexual and reproductive heath services in a safe, confidential and non-judgemental manner for women and men of all ages. PCCSH is affiliated with the Nova Scotia Association of Sexual Health and the Canadian Federation of Sexual Health. They are a pro-choice and GLBTTQQI friendly organization. 695-3366 email: pcsexualhealth@hotmail.com web: www.pictoucountysexualhealth.com

Pictou County Women's Centre Offering Individual Support Counselling and Crisis Intervention, Information and Referral, Advocacy and Accompaniment, Programs and Community Education 755-4647 email: pcwc@womenscentre.ca

New Minas, Annapolis Valley

Valley Youth Project Social activities and support for LGBTQ Youth (25 years and younger) in the Annapolis Valley. New time and place as of November 2012. email: valleyyouthproject@gmail.com web: valleyyouthproject.wordpress.com, meets 1st Wednesday, and 3rd Wednesday (Evenings, 6:30-8:30 pm. Event details at valleyyouthproject.wordpress.com and on Facebook at Valley Youth Project.) at Room 122, Louis Millet Community Complex, 9489 Commercial St., New Minas


AIDS Coalition of Cape Breton Support, advocacy, prevention/education for those infected or affected by HIV/AIDS. Free condoms! Queer Advocacy and Education, Needle Distribrution, Food Bank, Coffee,Safe Space for those infected or affected. (902) 567-1766 Toll Free 1-877-597-9255 email: christineporter@accb.ns.ca web: www.accb.ns.ca (Free Anonmymous Testing 1-902-567-1123 Monday and Tuesday each week from 8:30 to 4:30 and Thursdays from 8:30 to Noon. Check our Website for events and updates. ) at 150 Bentinck St, Sydney, N.S. B1P 1G6

Cape Breton University Sexual Diversity Centre We provide a welcoming environment for GLBTQ people and their Allies. 902-563-1481 email: sdc@cbusu.com (Monday to Thursday 8:30-5 or by appointment) at the Students' Union Building, Cape Breton University.

PFLAG Peer support & education on issues of sexual orientation & gender identity. email: sydneyns@pflagcanada.ca, meets last Sunday (of the month from 6:30-8:30pm. No meetings for June, July or August.) at Family Place Resource Centre, 714 Alexandra Street

Pride Cape Breton Society Dances and Social Events. Monthly dances are Adults Only! Check website community events. (902) 539-4627 email: info@pridecapebreton.com web: www.pridecapebreton.com (Dances on the last Saturday of every month. Check website for dance and special event dates!) at Southend Community Centre. Maps are at our website.


Tatamagouche Centre We are an affirming centre, welcoming all gay, lesbian, and transgendered people. 1.800.218.2220 email: tatacent@tatacentre.ca web: www.tatacentre.ca


Central Nova Women's Resource Centre Resources, programs and services available for all women identified women. Advocacy and support - with outreach to rural areas. Also, see our Facebook group. Central Nova Women's Resource Centre http://cnwrc.weebly.com, cnwrc@eastlink.ca 535 Prince Street, Truro, NS B2N 1E8 (902) 895-4295 web: cnwrc.weebly.com

Colchester Sexual Assault Centre Provides support and information to anyone (GBLTQ included) affected by sexual assault and abuse. 902-897-4366 email: trurosexualassault@hotmail.com (Centre Hours Mon-Thurs 9:30-4:30) at 80 Glenwood Drive, Truro Nova Scotia

Hepatitis C Aware a project of Northern AIDS Connection Society (NACS) working to educate members of the communities in Colchester, Cumberland, East Hants and Pictou counties on Hepatitis C. 1-866-940-AIDS email: nacs@eastlink.ca

Northern AIDS Connection Society HIV prevention education initiative serving Colchester, Cumberland, East Hants & Pictou counties. We are located at 33 Pleasant Street, Truro, NS. Phone 895-0931 email: nacs@eastlink.ca web: northernaidsconnectionsociety.ca (Our Board of Directors meet bi-monthly. Annual General Meeting held regularly in June. See webpage for contact information and upcoming events.)

Rainbow Proud Rainbow Proud supports the LGBT** community of Truro and surrounding areas. Our small group of volunteers work hard to put events together for everyones enjoyment. Any feedback will be considered and can be sent to our email address. We hope you continue to come celebrate our community together. email: rainbowproud@hotmail.com web: rainbowproudnovascotia.ca (See webpage for schedule.)

RESPECT Students Making Healthy Decisions 893-6300 email: respect@nsac.ca at P.O. Box 550, Nova Scotia Agricultural College, Truro, N.S. B2N 5E3

SAAFE (Supporting An Alternative Friendly Environment) Social/support group at the NS Agricultural College. 893-6300 email: lyoung@nsac.ns.ca (Meetings as requested. Membership changes each academic year.)


Acadia Women's Centre 585-2140 email: womens.centre@acadiau.ca (Acadia SUB Second Level Balcony )


South West Nova Pride We are first & formost a social group for SW Nova Scotia. All GLBT people of any age and in any stage of coming out are invited, we have a monthly gathering at Sobeys community room on Starrs Rd. in Yarmouth at 7:00 PM on the 2nd last Friday of each month. We create a monthly calendar of events for such things as pool, potluck parties, day trips or what ever members like to do. So come join us have fun and meet other GLBT people. 902-749-0977 email: diannefcc@eastlink.ca web: yarmouthpride.weebly.com/ (Check out our our facebook at South West Nova Pride.)

Prince Edward Island (902)

Gay PEI Mailing List Electronic mailing list for all GLBT, questioning and friendly, focus is on PEI email: gay-pei-owner@yahoogroups.com web: groups.yahoo.com/group/gay-pei at All first posts are moderated to stop spambots, otherwise, it's an open list.

GLBT Youth group Safe Space Drop-Ins 367-3408 or toll free 1 877 380 5776 (E-mail us for further details.) at 144 Prince St.

PFLAG Canada - PEI Providing support, education and advocacy for GLBT persons, their families and friends in PEI 902-887-3620 email: pei@pflagcanada.ca web: www.pflagcanada.ca (Meetings take place on an as needs basis.) at Check with Mary or Bill Kendrick on this months location by calling 902-887-3620.


AIDS PEI AIDS PEI offers HIV prevention and support services to all residents of PEI. 902-566-2437 email: info@aidspei.com web: www.aidspei.com at 375 University Ave, Unit 2, Charlottetown PE, C1A 4N4

ARC -- Abegweit Rainbow Collective Serving GLBT Islanders, their friends and families. 894-5776 email: info@arcofpei.com web: www.arcofpei.com, meets 1st Monday (6:00pm at 375 University Ave Suite # 2 Charlottetown, PE)

Free To Be Me - GBLTQ Alcoholics Anonymous non-profit AA group with a GBLTQ focus.