
Topic: Your Starter's Container

Jen Dubé-Smith says: I’ve been using a mason jar for my main starter which is fed daily, and keeping a big glass bowl in the fridge for my extra discard which I feed once a week in case anyone asks for some or I need to make more than one loaf at a time

I was looking at Jake O'Shaughnessey's Sourdough Book for his commentary on containers, and I saw his recipe for sourdough pancakes, I think that's going to be my breakfast tomorrow; his recipe is called "The American Slapjack." Detailled info for the book is here.

A Mi'kmag friend, Tuma Young just posted an oatmeal brown bread recipe so I adapted that for the bread machine and started it on "Whole wheat" cycle (4½ hours). Here's the recipe: Tuma's Molasses Porridge Bread .

I changed the quantity proportions for a total of about 3 cups of flour, about a 1½ pound loaf. To do that, I used ⅓ of all the measures there except the top three yeast mixture. There seems to be a thing in recipes that no matter what, you start with 1 tablespoon of yeast. Also I added about another tablespoon of shortening because that recipe looks like it doesn't have enough.