CCN Essay

We can predict three CCN metrics:

So to me it seems like there is a thing that we could focus on, and a path forward.

The thing we could focus on is: getting Internet service to poor people. Maybe charge for it, the same way that affordable housing is charged: as a (tiny) fraction of your monthly income. There is/are at least one other organization in HRM that's doing it that we could join forces with and the money in our coffers would be leveraged, not just spent. The organization I’m thinking of is GEO Nova Scotia.

To me this is *clearly* doing good in the world in the way CCN was originally intended - and remember, I’m one of the CCN history team members - yes, there’s a history project on the go.

The path forward is: instead of waiting for the email and Information Provider services to (possibly literally) crash due to a lack of staff, to gracefully and professionally exit out of them over the period of a year.

Dialup: sigh. Maybe figure out a way that Dialup could be implemented in a low-maintenance and cheap way AND think of some revenue stream for unused dialup lines.