From: Debbie Bain, Bought off ebay from, described as "Patchwork Quilting Foot/ Singer 301, 401, 500" for her slant-needle 401A, but on that, and on the FW it makes the needle jam when it goes down into the bobbin case. Debbie B's quilting foot for a slant needle machine e.g. a 301, 401, 500; the right side of the foot (the smaller part is 1/4", the back part of the side is 1/2" so more of the foot sits on the fabric. For those doing smaller seams, the left side front is 1/8" and think the back of it is 1/2 or 3/8. The markings on the side of the foot are 1/4" increments in front and behind the needle. When machine quilting straight lines the bar helps guide, once one line of reference is drawn. Thanks Pat B, Anne, Barbara, Nancy, Jacqui -- Anonymous 2006-12-01 02:40 UTC
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