Comments on Mystery 04

Pam says: Looks like a type 15 bobbin. Gobs of machines use them!

Linda in Va. Beach says: This looks like a 66 class bobbin, for the Singer 66, 99, 201, 185J and K, Spartan, etc.

Louise says: 201 bobbins

Linda from Oxford, Ohio says: a class 66 bobbin, used in a slew of Singer machines, including the 66, 99, 185, 400 series, 500 series and probably more.

Bonnie says: These are No. 66 bobbins. Fit Singers 66 (Red eye) of course but also a host of their later machines 400's 500's, etc.

lottinville <!-- <> --> says: Singer 201's don't have any holes on the bobbins

Danielle Marie Taber (dtaber at writes: Looks like a bobbin for a Singer Spartan 1961 era

Add your comment here. This is definitely a class 66 bobbin - you can still buy them new in metal and plastic. Many sewing stores carry them.

-- Meta 2008-01-11 23:55

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