Douglas Denny

Initially I did contract work for NSTN. This was work to DFO at the Maritime Centre. For some reason the DFO office was very dark and filled with people who did not seem too happy. Non-the-less I was happy for the work. I had initially gotten my NSTN account at some tradefair at Dalhousie. [[Jay_Parsons?|Jay]] was only too happy to tell me how my hard-earned cash was going to take me to the magic land of Veronica, Archie, ftp, telnet access to the library and wait for it.... Gopher! Oh, and can't forget Kermit, and the Dos mail thingy..

I was hoping to get on with NSTN full-time. I was paying for an 9600 bps dialup account, that was costing me allot of money ($40/month?). I tried to hang around the Windmill Road offices a couple of times with Mark whom I knew through some people at Dalhousie University where Mark had gone to school.

I interviewed with [[Don_Trotter?]] initially, and billed my DFO work through Don. Often printing off the invoices on NSTN beautiful postscript printer. My dot-matrix did not seem as pretty.

Mark Earhard approuched me and said that he had gotten a job in Bermadu (Bermuda) and was wondering if I wanted to come in and talk to the managers about a job. Um well, I have already taken a job with another computer company, but I will come in. I interviewed with Don Trotter, who I already knew. I also met with [[Mike_Martineau?]] which was intimidating. They showed me the 'new' offices and the lunchroom, and the BEER FRIDGE! A week later, I took the offer, quit the first job after being there for two weeks. That was how I joined NSTN, then I met Daniel MacKay!