What's with my PC's Fuel Gauge??

Emile Nossin writes:

Yes, the fuel meter is very pessimistic. You have to learn to read it. On the PC when you turn of the ignition, the fuel indicator needle will drop to the zero fuel point. It's approximately the point where the fuel hose meets the fuel nozzle in the little pump. The point where the needle leaves the red line (left of the redline) will give you about 3 liters left. Remember these positions and don't let the redline scare you too much. If you master the fuel indicator, it won't irritate you anymore.

If you fill up at the beginning of the redline and you find out you still have 5 liters left (surprised me also in the beginning) it means you can ride well into the redzone and even past it before panicing about finding a fuel stop, especially in Holland and the UK.

Waldo Meeks wrote beautiful clear instructions for adjusting the fuel gauge so that it reads accurately: http://www.hpc.uh.edu/pc800/9511/msg00326.html

And Chuck Chiodini too: http://www.fortunecity.com/silverstone/pantera/936/fuelgauge.html

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