I want to have bread tomorrow morning, so while my coffee was brewing this morning I put * ¾ of [[Your . . . I'll add some milk powder and some kind of oil. AddPhoto : pre-ferment in the pan So at around 1:00pm, . . . I’ll talk about [[Rise Times]] on a future day. AddPhoto: pan + blob of dough As I guessed, the dough . . . rise and put it in the fridge to rise overnight. AddPhoto: unrisen dough in pan . . .
4K - last updated 2020-03-06 01:31 UTC by Dan
AddPhoto : mostly risen loafs I took them out of the fridge just before bedtime so they'd make progress . . . be ready to boil, then bake, later this morning. AddPhoto: boiling bagels AddPhoto: baked loafs . . .
2K - last updated 2020-03-05 21:58 UTC by Dan
=Sourdough Blog & Techniques= On this page you'll find discussions about keeping a sourdough and working . . . * [http://bonmot.ca/Sourdough/index.cgi?search=AddPhoto Photos] . . .
1K - last updated 2022-12-05 19:52 UTC by Dan
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