
From: <Landry.S@forces.gc.ca> Date: 2008-10-27 (Mon) 15:56:03 ADT To: <info@solarns.ca> Subject: Put_Me_On_The_Solar_NS_Mailing_List

I have just finnished building a new house with solar infloor heating and domestic water heating and I'm now interested in seeing how PV cells could be applied to evenuualy go off grid.

Answer by Solveig

Congratulations on your initial ventures into solar energy design and technology. To explore how PV may fit your situation you may want to speak to some of the PV panel (and other PV associated equipment)suppliers and installers that are listed on the Corporate Members page of the SolarNS website. Another good reference is "The Renewable Energy Handbook, a guide to Rural Energy Independence, Off-Grid and Sustainable Living" by william H. Kemp. Do a google search to learn more about this book and other reference materials.