
From: "Hicks, Shawn" <shawn.hicks@hiaa.ca> Date: 2008-03-19 (Wed) 10:02:57 ADT To: <info@solarns.ca> Subject: PR thought


I have been thinking about a PR/goodwill idea. I have been hearing about people who cannot afford to heat their homes and thought it might be possible to get a group of people together and go out to low income homes with a dozen tubes of caulking, some clear plastic, insulation, etc and assess/improve what can easily be done in a day while educating them about solar (i.e. perhaps completely cover some north facing windows with insulation). I personally could donate a few things and hopefully a hardware store would come on board and donate most materials. Perhaps the people that were helped would volunteer to help with other houses/churches/community centers, sort of an enviro/socio-solar pay it forward thing. What do you think?

Thank you

Shawn Hicks BSc MSc