Howdy. This page is the result of a solicitation to the Gay and Lesbian Chorus Mailing List, asking people to send in whatever came to mind on the topic of "Songs about Singing."

Daniel MacKay wrote:

Thanks to the team who contributed to the page:

Tony Adam wrote:

John-Michael Albert wrote:

Jim Gall also suggested the Carpenters' "Sing, Sing A Song"

Frank Jackson wrote:

Bruce Salender wrote:

Here's a list of some of my favorites, with publisher info courtesy ASCAP database.

JEH DTMC wrote:
We Sing Together, by Eric Lane Barnes commissioned for Detroit TOgether's 15th anniversary. He has done a rewrite but I prefer the original! TTBB

Kristan Burkert wrote: The Portland Lesbian Choir did a concert of music about music in 1994 called Soaring with the Muse. We recorded Dream of Tomorrow (all 3 parts), Gamelan and How Can I Keep from Singing on our CD Making Light. I can hunt up composer, etc. info. if anyone is interested.

Ray Coshow writes:
Well, I thought of a few this morning: (In very much no particular order)

Tim Butz named:

Dennis W. Rosenbaum wrote:

Mark Elliott writes:

Philip Paroian writes:

Mary Lycan writes:
For womens' chorus, there is always Dame Ethel Smyth's battle anthem for the British women's suffrage movement, The March of the Women. It begins, "Shout! shout! up with your song! Cry with the wind, for the dawn is breaking." I publish it; catalogue number TC-101. SSA and a very tub-thumping pinao. My chorus loves it.

Don Small writes:
Please, don't forget "Brothers; Sing On" - I think it's by Edvard Greig. A hoary old fanfare from classicalmen's glee club rep; we performed it in Boston to great effect a couple of years ago; I first encountered it singing with a community glee club in high school.

Cobra Woman wrote:
"Can't Help Singing" Broadway tune by Jerome Kern wrote: "I'm Gonna Sing 'Til The Spirit Moves in My Heart" by Moses Hogan "With Cheerful Notes" by Handel

Mail me some more ideas!
Last updated March 1st '00